Author's Note - 4

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One month and a half ago, I created this account and I started publishing Diplomat Hotel. It was really challenging and encouraging at the same time as it really drains my time and mind but I managed to make it here, I managed to finish the 1st season of Diplomat Hotel and I'm really glad. I'm really glad to the fact that even if I've had so many challenges while making this story up, I still got to the end and it makes me happier to know that even if I'm a newbie, still on the beginner side of this passion, you guys still continued supporting me and I couldn't be more thankful enough.

Well, at first, I have many many stories in my mind and actually, Diplomat Hotel was not on my plan to be the first story I'll be publishing, it's supposed to be the Mission of Z's (which is the next story I'll be working with). It's kind of hard because I'm not just using one language (national language) but I'm also combining it with another language (international language) and it's kind suffocating in terms of making everything clear and understandable since I'm also having a hard time, constructively making perfect grammars but I hope that even if it was not perfect, y'all were able to understand the flow of the story, it would reaaaally mean a lot to me. <333

Secondly, since the 1st season of Diplomat Hotel is already finished, I wouldn't only work with Mission of Z's but I'd start grudging with the 2nd season of Diplomat Hotel. There would be new characters and the characters I provided by the end of the 1st season would also be there. Let's all find out what would happen next with them! I'll also be changing the setting of the story, as you can see, Diplomat Hotel's the title and the reason why I made that as the title because it's the main setting of the story but since the 2nd season will probably have a different one, I'll try to make it up with a sub-title.

I would like to thank those people who inspired me and was also the reason why I acted upon my passion. The gratitude's overflowing inside me and the pride I got from making this far is a chef's kiss. I am not on the 'benefit of the doubt' phase because these are all in my hands and I wouldn't let myself be distracted by something I don't like even if it's beneficial. Thank you again!

Sometimes, in life, we don't know where destiny would trace our path into, whether it's on the malevolent path or on the devious one. It's somehow hard to cope up with the current situation of our society as it continues to go down, and go down, and go down. We don't know that we might have already been in the crust on our way. Have you ever experienced being brutally discriminated? Being like bullied that left a scar on your heart or even left a trauma to you? If you did, I hope I helped you to gain some lessons by conveying the message of this story even if it's indirectly conveyed.

Never interrogate someone without their permission, be mindful, be decisive. Do not let yourself be occupied with a lot of things, take everything slowly. Do not just dump everyone else out just because you feel like you can't do things anymore, or you're envious to the fact that they have the things they want while you don't have one. It's a matter of being hardworking or be the positive sacrificial lamb for your success.

Escape from your hellacious state of mind. If it's unhealthy, be healthy. It's not the others who need help, it's you who need help. If ever you've come across a lot of headstrong problem, always remember that in every dark cloud, there will always be a silver lining, it's just not visible sometimes. If you couldn't find the key, just always use your sight and follow the road even if it's hard. It's only you who can find your light, you just need to cram.

In the story, 19 people were alive, 15 of them died, and 4 of them survived.

They did not do some dirty work but they united to unlock the solution and that's what we need to do in this intoxicated society, we need to unite, we need to progress solidarity.

Again, this is Brianne, the author of Diplomat Hotel and I am very thankful to have you all by my side, by continuously supporting my work.

Thank you so much!

Diplomat HotelTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon