Chapter 2

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New chapter already just because I got a ton of support on the first chapter! ^.^ This one will be in Vikk's POV (i guess, but it's not technically first person), and from now on it will alternate between the two.

it's so easy to write vikk's perspective bc all i have to do is just substitute me for vikk and my friends for the sidemen. it feels like i'm writing my own life story haha

so lachlan-odd and vikk-even chapters k (I prOMiSe they will meet someday)

Vikk sighed. He didn't like being pitied on, being ignored, and constantly being stereotyped and made fun of by everyone.

He had just finished a Trivial Pursuit recording with Simon, Josh, and Ethan. It wasn't the recording itself that was the problem, though.

Sometimes it just bothered him, the way they expected him to know everything because he's - oh, right, Asian. He thought the words bitterly.

Vikk had gotten a few answers wrong during the Grab Bag session, and Simon, jokingly, had said that he should've gotten them all right, because he was what again?

But that wasn't all. He had sometimes gotten made fun of for liking Minecraft, although he didn't record it on a daily basis (making it like this so it fits more w/ the story). When other YouTubers did impressions of him, they made it about Minecraft. Again, they were most likely joking, and he tried to laugh it off every time, but it still kind of hurt inside.

And about the ignored part; since he didn't have as loud of a voice as some people, whenever he was talking at the same time as someone else, they would choose to pay attention to the other person instead. It's not easy.

I wish there was someone to talk to, to talk out all my problems with, and in return, I would listen to theirs.

Someone who won't make fun of me for who I am.

Someone like me, the odd one out.

Odd One Out › A Vikklan AUWhere stories live. Discover now