64: Unexpected

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Small Bump-Ed Sheeran

We decided to wait until I was over two months along in my pregnancy before mentioning anything to our family. Anna was the only one who knew, and that was solely because she wouldn't stop bugging me about telling her the results of the initial pregnancy test. I swore her to secrecy though, explaining to her just how delicate the situation was. I was still under strict instructions to remain on bedrest, though my doctor did see improvements in my uterus lining. Both Niall and I felt like a weight had been lifted from our shoulders, getting the reassurance that everything we were doing was working. And with the risks of anything going wrong low, we decided it was time to tell our families.

I couldn't travel, and even if I could, there'd be no way to get everyone in one place. So we had to do it via video call. Niall had called his mother yesterday and asked her if she'd be able to talk with us this afternoon. I told Anna to suggest to mum to invite Michael over, not that she really needed that much convincing to do so. And with everything set up, Niall and I sat next to eachother on the kitchen table, my laptop in front of us as we waited for the clock to strike seven, the time we had agreed on with his mother and my sister.

"Are you sure you're ready? It's not gonna be our secret anymore." Niall chuckled, a hint of a smile on his face. I knew that deep down he was beyond excited to share our news with every person he knew, but was holding back because I was scared. Taking a deep breath, I slid my hand into his and nodded.

"Call them." His smile grew at my words, his cheeks round and rosy. He nodded and turned to the bright screen, beginning the process of getting everyone on a video call since it was a minute to seven. I watched him as his eyes flickered around the screen, the smile never leaving his face. His long hair fell swept to the side naturally, falling over his forehead and he'd regularly run his fingers through it to push it back, a sight I could never get enough of. He turned to me, catching me already looking at him. I had stopped trying to hide it long ago. He knew I'd get mesmerized by how handsome he was to me all the time. That always put a proud little smirk on his face. This time was no exception.

"Ready?" I asked him, leaning closer to place a kiss on his cheek. He chuckled, nodding before pressing the call button. It only took a couple of seconds before Maura's face popped up on the screen, her husband right next to her.

"Can you see me?" She squinted her eyes, holding her glasses closer to her face as she leant in. I couldn't help but smile, her struggle making it obvious she wasn't as accustomed to technology.

"Hey ma. Yes, we can see you and hear you perfectly." Niall snickered, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms over his chest. I remained leaning forward with my arms folded on the table.

"Hi Maura, hi Finn." I waved at the two as they enthusiastically waved back.

"Hi you two! How have you been?"

"We're good. We missed you. How're things over there?" I began a short conversation, Niall staying back through it.

"Oh, same old. As you know it, Ellie. How come you wanted to talk through video?" Her question was justified, since we've never talked in that way with her. Mostly because we knew it wasn't a breezy process to go through for her.

"We wanted to get Ellie's family on the call as well, that's why. Wait, ma. Let me add them. I'll call Greg too." Niall got the sentence out quick, giving practically no time for anyone to say anything else before he went to add Anna to the call. She answered instantly, getting up from the couch and holding her phone up as she walked.

"Hey! Hi Mrs. Maura!" She waved, clear excitement in her face.

"Hi darling. I didn't know this would be a family reunion." Maura rose an eyebrow, her husband stifling a laugh from next to her.

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