32: The Start

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If You Love Her-Forest Blakk

"Goodbye Mr. Horan." That's all she said before she left, disappearing behind the door. I watched her walk away through the small crack, letting her slip away right through my fingers.

I cursed myself, for the millionth time since that bitter day in her office. I acted so out of line, blinded by nothing but anger and jealousy. And I knew from the second I got back into my car I fucked up. But it was too late and I spent two weeks beating myself up for it.

I had made desperate attempts to forget all about her in the only way I knew how. Alcohol and women. None of those seemed to work. Alcohol only made it worse and no woman could ever come close to how she'd make me feel. And I honestly couldn't do it. No matter how stupid it really was, I couldn't sleep with someone else without feeling I was deceiving her.

But I was somehow convinced that this was the only way for me to move on. This was part of the reason why I spent so many nights at the club, including tonight. Robbie, Jack, Tim and Colin were always here whenever I was, getting wasted on the free drinks. Tonight was no exception, with the added company of a group of girls Tim 'hired' for us. And I thought I was perfectly fine with one of them sat on my lap, planning to finally let go of whatever was holding me back and taking her to a hotel down the road later.

That was my plan until I made the mistake of looking too far into the crowd. I'll never wipe the image of Elle in another man's arms, especially this particular one's, out of my mind. I was suddenly over everything. Over the drinks, the cigars, the pointless conversations between the people around me and the aspiring model clung onto me. Her presence was suddenly pesky to me, so I just told her to leave me alone.

And I sat there, watching Elle openly flirt, laugh and be held by someone who wasn't me. And I hated every second of it. I hated myself for letting this happen. I hated myself for not being able to put my trust in her. I needed to talk to her, so that's why I followed after her when I saw her come here.

But there I was, alone in an empty room. I was so close to her, so close to regaining everything I stupidly gave up. But she left me.

Angered and defeated, I left the bathroom and slammed the door behind me. I returned to my friends, instantly regretting it the second I sat down on the sofa. They went on and on about things I couldn't give two shits about, bragging about their conquests and possessions. And I would usually partake in all this, but not tonight.

"What's got him all frowny?" Robbie chuckled, nodding his head towards me.

"Don't know. What's up mate? Why the long face?" Jack questioned as he sat beside me.

"Nothing. Leave me alone." I grumbled, downing what was left in my glass. I wasn't drunk enough for this.

"Lads, I reckon it's pretty obvious what's going on here. It's that girl he's been eyeing all night." Tim chuckled and shook his head, capturing everyone's attention including mine.

"I don't get it. What's the big deal about that girl? If one slut doesn't wanna sleep with you, we have plenty here." Colin's words from the arm of the sofa had me turning my head towards him slowly, fire in my eyes as I stared at him in pure rage.

His implication had me seeing red. I charged at him without a thought, grabbing onto the collar of his shirt to yank him off the armrest.

"Fucking say that again you prick. I dare you." I challenged, gritting my teeth as I pulled his shirt upwards. His hands were grasping onto my wrists, attempting to make me release my grip.

"Mate, chill! You got it wrong! Don't cause a scene!" Robbie frantically spoke, him and Jack trying to pull me away from Colin.

"Don't fucking talk about her like that ever again!" I shouted at him, pushing the other two off of me and readjusting my blazer that had fallen off of my shoulders. I pushed my hair back, the style they were in starting to get ruined before I turned around and left the group, getting confused looks from the people around. But I didn't care in the slightest. I didn't need any of them. It's not like they really gave a damn about me anyway. They just liked the limelight and the money that came along with being associated with me.

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