Thirty-Four - Recovery

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Artemis rocked Orion in her arms, singing a lullaby while the infant slept. He had finally calmed down after an hour of nonstop crying. The little guy had barely slept since being separated from her a week ago. That supposed instinct babies seemed to have about their mother's stress had been real; Orion hadn't slept a wink for his babysitter.

Now that he was finally calm, Artemis breathed a sigh of relief as she finished the song.

Ever since she had fully recovered Orion wanted to be cuddled all hours of the day. She was frankly exhausted.

Tired. Spent.


Rhage had been busy making time to enforce loyalty. Those who proclaimed loyalty to Valam were dealt with, their lives ended with death. His recovery had been almost non-existent per usual to Yautja, so her mate had went to work weeding out any potential threats to her and himself. Even Dhare had been on edge, his presence near constant since they returned to the ship.

She still couldn't believe it. He had finally called her his step-bearer. The beefy male hadn't admitted it, but she could tell he had been fearful of her possible death at Valam's hands.

Thinking of Dhare...

The door to her and Rhage's quarters slid open to reveal Dhare standing on the other side. In he walked carrying a box full of familiar looking produce. She noted a couple of apples, bananas, oranges, grapes, carrots, and various others from Earth. Her interest piqued as he loaded them into the cooling unit next to the meat locker in the kitchen area.

Ever since they had returned, Dhare had been around frequently. Whether it was to help in her recovery or when she needed help with Orion...he was there.

He turned his golden gaze to her once he finished and came to sit across from her. Leaning forward he plucked Orion from her arms and purred softly. The little guy was tiny in the arms of this shredded alien where nothing was small about him.

"I am glad you have recovered, step-bearer. We have reached the hunting planet to blood the Unblooded. You will be able to watch." He cocked his head to the side as he gazed at her.

"Oh, good! I'm sure it will be exciting!" Whispered Artemis, "Without all of your help it wouldn't been harder to get back to my normal self." She patted his arm lightly, pulling away when he tensed up at the touch.

He clicked his tusks together softly and turned his attention back to Orion. "Sei'i."

Dhare was quiet for the longest while as they sat together in quiet companionship. Her mate's son wasn't one for conversation, but she didn't mind.

"Dhare, did you have any leads on the woman you're going to look for?"

The shake of his mane was answer enough, "Mo."

"Will you really kill her if you do? You could always...I don't know..." Artemis swept her hands in the air, wracking her brain to come up with another solution. "You could always take her as a prisoner in your custody...kind of like a cop?"

Him taking her alive was a better solution than killing her. To think that he could kill someone he had so obviously had a connection to would be...heartbreaking. There was a potential coming together! A romance, perhaps!

She had seen him romp with Khaj, but this was different.

When she had watched the footage with Rhage and he, she could feel the potential for Dhare and this mystery woman. She was a romantic, yeah, and maybe she was projecting, but damn she really wanted to see Dhare happy. To truly be happy with someone who understood him. To find someone who would give him what he needed.

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