Six - Goddess

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Trigger Warnings Ahead: Talk of self-harm and suicide, depression, ptsd. It's only a sentence or two in the first half but this warning still stands.

Artemis awoke with a start. The room was empty of the large Yautja she had slept so comfortably beside. Outside the suns were barely rising in the distance, the city partially covered in the early morning darkness. That darkness was similar to the one in her heart that occasionally flared up, especially at that moment.

Like every night, she saw the faces of the ones she loved, their faces contorted in pain as their bodies lay broken on the blood covered floor. She saw the faces of each guard who had been tasked to execute her family and friends. It was with those deaths replaying in her head that she woke with tears in her eyes. Fresh salty tears fell down her cheeks while she covered her mouth in an effort to be as quiet as possible.

She didn't want Rhage to see her like this.

With a little hop, she left the bed pulling the weird-feeling blanket behind her to walk to the door that she assumed was a bathroom. The door slid open automatically and she found it was a bathroom. There she huddled in a corner beneath a weird shower-head-like object jutting from the wall.

The room was a large size with a shower and toilet on one side and the other a sink and giant pool-like tub, the thing so big she could swim in it.

It was too bad she didn't see any of it clearly due to the tears that blurred her vision almost completely. She wrapped the blanket around herself until she was cocooned with just part of her face uncovered and curled in as small a ball as she could, her pregnant belly didn't make it very easy; the baby was growing fast.

Artemis stayed there letting her emotions run the course as big fat tears continued to wet her cheeks. A few noises managed to slip out of her mouth despite her best efforts. Every part of her soul hurt, the big gaping maw of mental anguish threatening to drag her into the darkness that played on the edge. The memories were so strong, visceral, that it was a wonder she hadn't succumbed to them.

Their screams were the worst part as they suffered. They had a way of recording themselves into her memory.

With the beginnings of her back starting to hurt from being in the fetal position for so long, she struggled to her feet and walked to the door. Taking a deep shaky breath to calm her nerves, she braved herself to leave the safety of the bathroom. She wiped the remaining tears out of her eyes and stepped close enough for the door to open.

Standing on the other side was Rhage.

His eyes were set on her as he met her gaze. The giant Yautja was silent as he took in the sight of her rosy face and the shadows that played in her eyes, pain visible; what kind of pain he could not figure out.

Artemis stood there surprised that she had been found out. "H-Hi." She mustered, biting her trembling lip. More tears threatened to spill forth but she fought them. Crying in front of Rhage was not happening.

She didn't want to appear weak.

He didn't speak but instead brushed a fresh tear away as it fell with a thick finger. He inspected the liquid on his digit before advancing forward causing Artemis to back up so he wouldn't bump into her. She ended up against the wall next to the tub, her mind racing as she tried to guess Rhage's intentions.

What was he thinking? The fact that he hadn't said anything yet was driving her nerves haywire.

He clicked a button on the wall panel next to the tub and immediately it began to fill with water. Steam rose from the tub while the room became steamy and warm. The young woman stood still as Rhage pulled the blanket away from her and used a claw to remove her clothing. The fabric fell to the floor around her and she immediately went to cover her chest and privates, but Rhage lifted her up and set her in the tub.

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