Twenty-Four - Pup: Part 1

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Artemis clung to Rhage as they lied in the bed. She nuzzled her face against his chest, his fingers running through her hair. Silent tears fell down her face leaving salty trails on Rhage's skin.

He purred gently, the deep rumbling sound soothing her worries away. Some of his locs fell across her shoulders and head but she didn't mind, she wanted everything her mate could give her.

Another round of burning pain in her groin made her whimper. Hot white lightning shot through her lower extremities, her body already speeding up the schedule. They had started mid-morning and had increased in strength throughout the day until she couldn't even stand.

Labor sucked.

Orion was ready to come ahead of the scheduled C-section.

When Artemis finally had enough, she used her own wrist computer Rhage had given her. She cried the entire call and he had dropped everything to come to her aid. He quickly called Tare while he helped her to the bed. The Elder Yautja wasted no time crawling into bed to hold her while they waited for Tare to arrive.

Tare was going to give her a healthy dose of pain killers and sedative. After that they would bring her to the medical center in the tower. She would wake up to Orion in the world.

The waiting sucked, however. Her body was working towards a natural birth but it'd be impossible and could cause great harm if she tried. That fact had her worried for future kids she'd have with Rhage.

Would she have to have C-section after C-section? What if one was small enough for a natural birth...then what? Would she be able to? How would her body handle potentially pumping out baby after baby?

There were too many questions she had and not enough answers.

"It will be better soon, mate. This is but another battle to be won." Rhage assured, his hands moving to caress her face, his thumbs wiping away her tears.

Artemis gave another pathetic whimper, "This shit sucks."

"I wish I could chase your pain away. To defeat it in battle."

"It's okay." She cleared her throat, trying to chase away the scratchy feeling as she spoke. "When he's finally here, I won't have to worry anymore."

He grunted, "Sei'i, the pup will be here and we will move onto better hunting grounds."

She was able to crack a smile, at least. Everything always related to a challenge or hunting or something like it when he spoke, his words oddly comforting despite the oddity of them. Like always, he was reminding her that each hurdle in life could be overcome.

It could be conquered.

Whether it was her anxieties or an argument between the two, it could be conquered; it had been conquered. Admittedly, she was not over the issue of slavery concerning the aseigan and eta, but that just one of a few things they would never agree on.

The cultural gap would remain, but with a keen reminder that it was how it had been long before she had been born, as was it with her culture and traditions. Tradition was highly respected by Yautja and similar with humans.

Despite these obvious differences, she loved him with a burning passion that she had never felt for another. Pretty soon, they would be raising a child born of two very different worlds. Together they could help to bridge the gap and grow as people.

"I love you, Rhage." She nuzzled against his warm hand that caressed her wet face.

Her hair was a ratty mess, her clothes wrinkled, and her emotions a chaotic cluster fuck, but he was still here. He was still here being the lighthouse to steer her ship safely to shore.

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