Author's Note/AMA

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Hello, my lovely readers. I hope you are all doing well!

If you have read my first fanfic "Prey" then you may have already seen my Author's Note in that book where I wrote about hating Author Note chapters, but once I am...writing just that.

I figured this would be a nice heart to heart with my readers and those that cared enough. If you don't already follow me then you will miss almost daily posts and musings on my profile about my work and other things that strike my fancy.

My sincere apologies to those who were disappointed that this wasn't a chapter update but instead the ole "Author's Note chapter where the author blabs incessantly". I try to limit the Author's Note bits at the end of chapters but I find it's nice to explain a bit, add a helpful conlang dictionary, and to suggest people to leave their thoughts. I thoroughly enjoy when I get to see what readers think.

I am one of those people who dog down their own work, but, I suppose that's pretty normal for authors in general. We as writers are often harder on ourselves more so than the actual readers.

Surprisingly, I find I dog down my work less when writing fanfic. Something about exploring a world that's been pre-established is exciting and gets my creative juices flowing more so than rattling my brain for original content. I have loads of ideas but writing fanfic has proven so much more...rewarding.

I've had so much fun writing Predator/Yautja fanfic. I love exploring different themes and lines of thought that others have not. I am told that my "unique" view of the world helps; that unique view as a result of being Autistic.

I randomly discovered that there was fanfic for this franchise after being a fan for so many years as a fan of the films and comics. I have yet to turn back!

I found on WattPad it lacked the type of book that I like to read, and I had already been a writer on the Inkitt platform writing originals. I have my basis in paranormal romance after years of reading that genre and filling my bookshelves with them. You know, those mass market paperbacks you find at Kroger or Barnes & Noble? Yeah, those. Authors like Sherrilyn Kenyon, J.R. Ward, and others helped to mold my writing style in my formative years.

I've never been published, and likely will never, but I feel good in knowing that I, someone with loads of experience in reading and writing paranormal romance, can offer some well written (hopefully it seems that way) fanfic for others to enjoy.

Not to knock others, but I personally hate finding fanfic that's all over the place with no clear direction, one dimensional original characters, riddled with typos, or it's just never finished and I'm left wanting more — especially if it's really good. I really hope that I can offer a decently written story with a good romance that builds over time and there's like an actual bond between the two apart from sex.

That's been my aim with "The Elder's Mate". I want them to feel like a real couple. For the love to flourish and feel...deep. Plus, it's also really fun to try to get into the headspace of someone who's almost nine centuries old.

How would they think? How would they love? How would an Elder Yautja react and behave having a human mate? There's so many possibilities that can be explored and I hope everyone is enjoying it!

For those who've made it this far through my ramblings...feel free to ask me anything! Have a question for me? Feel free to comment below and ask away! Ask away and I shall provide!

A new chapter will be out potentially Sunday since during the holiday weekend I will be busy with family gatherings. I hope y'all are having a lovely holiday season and are having a wonderful Yule, Hanukkah, Kwanza, Christmas, and the many other holidays being celebrated this month, whichever you are celebrating. The Winter Solstice draws nearer and I can't wait for winter to really begin!

Again, Ask Me Anything and I will respond to the best of my abilities. I will answer any burning questions that I have not already answered before. 🙂

Until the next update I bid you adieu and good evening or morning wherever you are in the world!

Enjoy this meme I found and the inspiration picture for the color of Rhage's dreads below! Instead of the dark spots, they would be white and of course the tips would be a blood red. ^^


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