Sixteen - Saqqar

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The planet was the same as when Rhage had last visited it some centuries ago. There was new vegetation here and there along the path into the Desert Clan's village, but it was still largely the same. In the distance he could still see the same green banner flags that displayed the clan's insignia — a simple white whirl.

He could even see the welcome party with their leader at the forefront. The leader, Zen'tukte, wore simple bronze armor with a necklace of skulls decorating his neck and a ragged ankle length green cape. This Yautja was of similar height to Rhage but with burnt orange, red, and white skin that was heavily scarred and rough looking. His black dreadlocs reached to his chest with bone jewelry tied to various tendrils, some locs tied together themselves. Beady yellow eyes glared at Rhage and his party from afar.

Rhage clenched his hands as they continued on towards the gate. He was ready for anything bad to happen. Protecting the small woman walking beside him was important, as well as his clan. The peace accords were still in place so he had to play nice.

All he was to do was meet in person to initiate the trading of goods and supplies. Saqqar was rich in a mineral ore that fueled some of the most advanced technology.

This deal couldn't be pauked up.

A lot was riding on this deal, plus, it was tradition to have three days of feasting, sparring, and of course, pauke-de. The pauk-de part was thankfully something Dhare had offered himself up for. Taking Rhage's place prevented Artemis from having to face humiliation, something he knew would happen.

The light squeeze against his fingers pulled him from his busy thoughts to gaze down at his mate. She didn't notice his watchful eyes as she was too busy taking in the alien landscape around them.

When they had first set foot on the planet, she had ran her fingers through the sand. Nothing but a smile graced her lovely human face while she collected it in her hands. She had been excited and animatedly exploring the small perimeter while the warriors unloaded from the drop ship. Borrowing a small container she had filled it with sand, much to the confusion of everyone but her. When he had asked her why, she had told him so she could remember it. He concluded it was a human oddity.

The collecting of something to remember a place. An object similar to a trophy.

Zen'tukte nodded in greeting as the group stopped before he and his group at the gate. The Desert Clan leader studied every individual present, his yellow eyes studying Artemis longer. With a grunt he motioned for the group to follow and turned on his heel.

Rhage felt Artemis press herself against his side as they walked through the village. He hadn't liked how Zen'tukte's gaze had lingered. A soft purr emanated from his chest to calm his mate, the tension in her shoulders going away when she smiled up at him. The fact that he could comfort her so effortlessly filled his chest with that warmth of his love for the tiny female. He still felt elated that she had admitted her own love for him.

The Desert Clan's village consisted of sandy roads and stone pyramids where sun-bleached fabric banners hung by the doorways. Lined down the road were busy vendors offering meat, jewelry, fabric, and food items. A few looked to not be of this clan telling by the different marks that adorned various Yautja, their clothing different as well. Somewhere he could hear the beating of drums, his hearing able to point it somewhere East. The village, or rather, city, bustled with life. Many moved out of the way of Rhage's party, many eyes directly avoiding the Elder Yautja's untrusting lime-green gaze.

Saqqar's sun beat down on the surface but it wasn't unbearable. It was only slightly warmer than Yautja Prime. Thanks to his scaled skin, he and the other visiting Yautja were well adapted for hot climates.

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