thee proposal

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2 years later 

Katana pov 

" luna aari and Ayla come here," I yelled trying to get them to come to me, The girls are now 4 and have tons of energy. Eden is 2 and aari is 3. Aari also has been living with me because meg is on the road a lot. 

It's fine though because all of the kids get along. Gabi and I broke up 2 months ago because she said we weren't meant to be, no me and Megan didn't get back together, she is now dating another female rapper flo milli. 

( flo milli is 26 in this book)

The kids dont like her at all, but they will never tell me why. They all came running in with Eden coming with them shortly after. 

" you guys tomorrow is mamas birthday what are we gonna get her?" I could tell that they were all thinking. " a car!" Eden exclaimed, I smiled and said, " ok what kind of car do you think mama wants?" " ughh fast car," my little boy is so smart, but I don't think we should get meg a car this year. 

" what about a purse mama likes purses," Ayla said aari just nodded, she doesn't really talk much unless she is really happy. " yeah I think that's a good idea Aari do you have any ideas hun?" she nodded and said " mama wears big necklaces we should get her one of those,"

" that's amazing we will get her all of those ideas, you guys can go play while I look," they said ok and went back upstairs. 

I guess I gotta get to looking 

Megan pov 

"Alright let me see the ring," I told the jeweler he pulled out a box and slowly opened it. 

thee ring

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thee ring

" oh yeah, I want this how much is it?" " $1,064,745," I hope this girl knows I love her. 

" alright ill take it," he laughed a little and nodded. 

Katana pov 

I put all the boxes with Megan's gifts in them on the table as the kids waited for her to walk in.

When we heard the door shut we all hid in our places. " SUPRISE!" we exclaimed, she most definitely was surprised too because she screamed. 

" wow guys this looks amazing," it was really just a small set up we didn't go all out. " thank you mama we helped mommy set it all up," Ayla said as Megan up Eden and aari. 

"That's amazing I'm proud of you guys," " ok sit down now mama so we can give you your gifts and then eat cake," luna said before attempting to grab the chain. I quickly walked over and grabbed it out of her hands. 

"I will give it to her it's probably a bit heavy for you," I sat the box on the table in front of Megan. 

When she opened it she smiled wide, it was a chain that said her name outlined in pink diamonds and white everywhere else. 

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