26* Duel and Escape

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"Cheta this could get us killed!"
"So will doing nothing!"
"No buts Ola! You of all people should know how much trouble Aira would be in if we do nothing but sit here and pray to a goddess we are not sure exists!"

Their hushed argument had been going on for a long time, bouncing off the walls of the small room.
Ola was terrified!
She was stuck between the devil and the deep blue sea.
She knew that if they left,the Alpha would definitely be out for their heads but at the same time,if they did not, her daughter could die!

"So how do you suggest we leave?"
Her tone was almost lifeless.She was a broken woman who was doing all she could to appear strong for the people she loved the most.

"I heard from my warrior friends. They say that they would be leaving for Ara soon, and would arrive after three sunsets. If we leave now,we would arrive early enough to warn Aira! I have tracked a route behind the old blacksmith's hut. It is abandoned and the foliage has grown thick enough for us to hide and leave to pack's perimeters before out scent is traced.

Ola sighed softly.
"What do you say, Obinna?"

The giant man raised his head after a few moments and nodded.
"I only want what is best for my mate. I have not come here to see her die!"

"Then it is settled."
Cheta said before blowing out the candle flame.
"We leave immediately!"

The sound of preparation of war was intense as the warriors practiced for something they were not sure they were going to succeed in.

Aira peeped through the shredded curtains of what had become her hut,watching the men and women who were willing to sacrifice their lives for freedom.

"Are you afraid?"
Dinma's familiar soft voice called from behind her. Aira saw her limp towards her, through the dimness of the small candle light.
Her leg had been healed, thanks to Cha-Cha and the herbs but she had still developed a limp.

Aira could not help but feel guilty.

"I am afraid,Dinma."
Her voice was broken.
She had always hated showing emotions but this...this was too overwhelming.

Dinma placed her arm across her as they sat down on the cane chair.
"Are you afraid of death?"
Aira scoffed at her friend's question.
"Death has never been one to make me scared. But dying... dying without making a difference,that is really scary."
Dinma listened,allowing her friend to speak.

"What if I died and all the sacrifices made by everyone I love,was all in vain! What if I can not lead this army?"

There was a moment of strange silence though the sound of battle was still rising outside.
"You would not die, Aira!"
Dinma's voice was sure.
"And even if you did, you have not lived for nothing!"

A tear rolled out of Aira's eyes.
"Wha...what do you mean?"
Dinma turned to face her and smiled.
"You escaped from Black Silver Pack,you defiled Alpha Amusu, you spat in the faces of him and his subordinates!"
"Does that mean anything?"
Aira's cracked voice asked.

"Of course it does! You have been a beacon of hope to us all! You showed us what it means to fight and keep fighting! Look at me,a sickly Obanje,you showed me that I could be a fighter in my own way. I could be a hero too!"

Aira sniffed and tried to smile admist the tears that were flowing out of her eyes.
"I did not think about it that way...I never did."
"I know...but you should. Our people say 'Egwu adiro atu afo, oburu un' — Fear does not affect the stomach,that is why it is always in front."
"What does that mean?"
Dinma smiled slightly at Aira's question.
"Whatever happens,always try to
make an attempt. Do not give up before you begin!"

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