I'm doing something fun - lhs

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Jungwon and Jay was now strolling around the mall . They already finished buying groceries and left it on Jay's car at the parking lot . Jay suggested to have a quick date before going home .

The two of them went inside a clothing store to find some couple shirts for them . They want to have matchy things .

Meanwhile Jake and Heeseung just entered the same mall the other two visited .

Heeseung had a bad feeling the moment he stepped inside the said place. It feels like something is about to happen. Jake on the other hand sensed something wrong with the male beside him .

" Are you okay?"

" Yeah , I'm fine . Let's go to that pizza shop . I'm a bit hungry . " Heeseung told the younger and walked first . Jake just followed him without saying a word.

They passed by a clothing shop and Heeseung instantly saw a familiar face . No , there's two familiar faces.

He stopped unconsciously and just stared at them picking some random shirt at the rack.

Jake noticed the older froze in his position and looked to where he's looking . At first, Jake was confused because he was just looking at a couple inside the store . But Heeseung was curling his fist tight and furrowing his brows. He's not crying , there's no signs at all . But Jake can tell that he's angry.

So why does he acts like this ?

" Oh wait .. is he Jay ? What the hell?? " he just whispered to himself . He thought about it instantly. There's a possibility that it's him based on how Heeseung reacted. But didn't Heeseung told him that they're okay now , and his boyfriend already broke up with his other lover ? So what's happening now ?

"Does Jay lied about breaking up with his other boyfriend ? Oh shoot ! " On Jake's mind as he went closer to Heeseung.

" Hey .. " he started but Heeseung instantly cuts whatever he was about to say.

" Jake , let's go to the snack bar at the other side of the mall . I'm doing something fun " he smirked. Jake saw that smirk and sensed something bad might happen. But he can't oppose to him , now that he hasn't seen the other this angry.

And once again , Heeseung walked first with Jake following him from behind . The younger looks like his assistant or bodyguard. He's just at his back , guarding him .

After 5 minutes , they arrived at the shop where Heeseung wants to go . Good thing the place was a bit secluded . It also doesn't have costumers at this time .

Jake released a sigh . It's better this way . Whatever Heeseung was planning , no one other than them and the crew will know .

Once they we're settled , Jake was confused because the older just scanned through the menu book as if nothing happened earlier. It creeps him out . He just thinks that what he thought earlier wasn't right. That it's not Jay .

After their food was served , Jake eyed Heeseung who hasn't touch his food yet. Instead, he was at his phone , smirking .

Jake doesn't know why he suddenly felt nervous. Is it because of how he smirks while he was texting or is it because he's in love with Heeseung that his heart can't help but to beat uncontrollably whenever they're so close to each other? Damn , the first one feels right at the moment.

" Hee , eat your food . Didn't you said earlier that you're hungry ? Eat and stop texting " he commanded and Heeseung chuckled  .

" Yes sir !" He cheerfully answered and it's so weird. It makes him more nervous.

He just observes him as he took his fork to get some pasta .


Jungwon received a message . He opened his phone and instantly smiled when he saw who texted him . He felt excited to open the text. Jay just stared at him smiling on his phone .

" Babe , remembered that friend I told you last time ? " Jay nodded as he remembered that Jungwon was always talking about this mysterious friend . He kinda feel jealous because they seemed to be so close but hasn't known his same . Jungwon hasn't mention his name .. oh he does , he called him Seung hyung .

" Yes ? What's with him ? Why are you so happy ?"

" He wants to meet me today ! He's here at the mall ! Oh my god , I missed him so much " he exclaimed earning a sigh from Jay . He's jealous.

" Okay , then meet him "

" Hey .. are you jealous ? Oh c'mon , he's handsome and kind , I admit but he's not my type . " He gave Jay assurance that there's nothing to be jealous of but he still can't help it. He just stayed silent .

" Stop sulking . Let's meet him ! I want you both to meet . "

" Okay .. " he gave up . He's being jealous of nothing and he doesn't need to sulk over it. It's just his friend.

They were about to walk when Jay also received a message from Heeseung . He paused . Jungwon must not see this text so he move away from him to read the text .

"Meet me at xxxx snack bar ."

He gulps . So Heeseung is at the area near them . He can't see them together.

" Uhh , babe .. my mom texted me to go home . It's urgent "

Jungwon looked at him , still with his precious smile.

" I bet your mom is complaining on how long you are here at the mall . You're just buying groceries but it took you hours "

" Well , kind off so you can see your friend now . I can't go with you to meet your friend . Is it okay with you ? I'm in a hurry "

" It's okay , as long as it's really your mom who texted and not some bitch . "

Jay giggled . This is not the time to smile but Jungwon is being cute and can't resist that.

" No , babe . You don't have to worry . It's only you .. always " If lies can be deadly , Jay already died a long time ago . His constant lies are getting out of hand .

" Okay , I know . So we have to split now . The parking is that way , I'm going this way . See you around , babe . I love you "

" I love you too . Don't go home late , okay? I'll call you later " He spoke then gives him a peck on his lips . He can taste the strawberry flavored lipbalm that Jungwon used .

Once they got separated , Jay rushed his way to the said place . He knows that it's on the other side of the mall and he can still go his way opposite to Jungwon .


After maybe three minutes of almost running , Jay arrived to the place that Heeseung mentioned on his text . He instantly saw him with a guy . They're happily talking about something and the guy was touching the sleeve of Heeseung's cardigan . Oh wait , he hasn't seen that one . Is it new ?

" Love!" He catched the two male's attention at how loud he called .

" Love ? Who are you calling love , babe ? And why are you here ? Aren't you going home?"

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