I'm sorry - pjs

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Earlier that night , Jay woke up by the noise from the kitchen . Clanking utensils can be heard from where he is currently laying . He thought he's at home .

He immediately opened his eyes , thinking he's with his boyfriend and they were about to eat dinner . He was about to call for his name when he realized that the place he's in isn't their home .

" What the hell ?" He spoke , confused but then he remembered he's at Jungwon's .

" Jay ! You're awake. Come here and eat ." With a smile , the younger said .

Jay hesitated to leave the couch . It feels that something is wrong. That there's something he forgot .

He unlocked his phone , his wallpaper greeting him . It's a photo of him and Heeseung taken from their last date . Then it sinks in . He checked the date and widened his eyes in an instant .

" Oh crap!" He said and grabbed his hair .

Jungwon who was at the table frowned at how Jay reacted. He was confused.

" Jay ?" He called but the older was panicking to pick up his things and rushed to the main door .

" Where are you going ?"

Jay looked back at him in horror. He's sure that something really came up that he had to react like this. Jungwon nervously gulped.

" Ah .. won , I'm sorry but I have to go home. And please don't contact me when I'm home. " Jay said sternly . Jungwon who was dumbfounded just nodded his head and didn't even ask any questions as he looked for his new boyfriend go out from his apartment.


Jay was rushing his way home. Their house is an hour far from each other minus the traffic. But as unlucky as he is today , he was stuck in a heavy traffic .

He was checking his phone , to finally call Heeseung but it's as if on cue , it died down .

He couldn't even count how many curses slipped from his mouth at the time he's inside his car .

And if he could just fly his way home , he would . He just forgot their freaking anniversary and this is not acceptable!

Good thing the traffic slowly moved and he arrived home but it's already midnight.

He rushed to the front door , jamming unnecessary keys to the door knob as he was panicking.

Once he opened the door , he instantly saw Heeseung , sleeping at the dining table with foods near him .

He bet Heeseung made all those based on the looks of it . He feels sorry for making him wait and for forgetting their anniversary.

It's all because of his selfishness.

Instead of waking his boyfriend , he just carried him up to their shared room. As much as he wants to wake him up and talk about what happened , he chose not to as he thinks Heeseung needs to rest.

Once he made sure that Heeseung is comfortable in their bed , he went down to check the food that his boyfriend made.

He made sure to taste all of it so that Heeseung's effort wouldn't go to waste. He even put the left overs at the fridge in case Heeseung would look for it the tomorrow.

After he finished cleaning , he went to their room once again to check Heeseung.

He's still sleeping but he's crying in his sleep.

It hurts him seeing his boyfriend like this and it's all his fault. He believes that Heeseung is crying because Jay forgot their anniversary.

He went near him and wiped his tears. It's not that much but you can tell that whatever he's dreaming right now , it must be painful.

He hugged him close and leaned to whisper , " I'm so sorry, my love" to him. Sounds hypocrite but he really feels sorry. If only he could just split his heart into two , he would. So he wouldn't be torn between the two of them. That he could give them equal love.

But who is he fooling ? You can't love two people equally, romantically. There must be that one that you'll choose. And he doesn't know who's that one is.

He can't just choose Heeseung , but he can't also let go of the other one. He loves Heeseung but what about Jungwon ? He can't afford him out of his life. But Heeseung must be his priority. He's his boyfriend after all. But what if he doesn't love his boyfriend anymore ? No, he still loves him. This is what he believes.

" I love you but why am I liking another guy?" He just said in his mind while he stares at the sleeping male beside him.

It's just felt wrong thinking that he's liking another guy when he's still in a relationship. But the feeling he's feeling with Jungwon is real. Does he really fell out of love with Heeseung ? Why would he? All Heeseung did is to love him yet he met this guy and fall in love with him . Jay's sudden change of heart is unacceptable.

But on the other hand , falling inlove isn't a crime. They're not legally bonded and he can still love someone else. He can just dump Heeseung if he wants. If he'll let go of him , he can finally be with Jungwon. Besides, he already committed to him. He couldn't just take it back that quick and he doesn't want to.

But he's selfish. He's keeping them both. But in secret .

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