I love you and will always do - pjs

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Jay's pov

I woke up in a familiar room .. smelling a familiar scent that's coming from my long time boyfriend , Lee Heeseung . He's always making me feel home and comfortable .

The rays of sunshine hits the part of the room where our bed was situated , it shines upon his face , that angelic face that I've been admiring ever since I met him .. five years ago .

I clearly remembered how his doe eyes sparkled the first time we met . Those eyes that I've been drowned into . It was a love at first sight .

I met him that one day at a famous fast food chain , he's holding his tray , and looking for a vacant table to enjoy his own food but sadly , he couldn't find one . I , on that day was all alone , enjoying my food to celebrate how I passed my exams . It's been a hell week and a treat to myself would be great , I thought that time .

I saw him looking over the place , scanning each tables for a possible vacant seat . At first , I'm not interested at him .. I'm just casually looking at him like strangers do whenever they saw something interesting when they're alone . But it's already been three minutes and I feel bad that he couldn't eat already . So I raised my hand when he was gazing at my spot .

His big , adorable eyes sparkled at the sight of the vacant chair in front of me then glanced at me with a thankful look . Oh , how cute he is that time . My heart still flutters remembering that very moment .

He immediately went to my spot and slumped on the vacant chair grumpily . Is he tired ? , I thought .

" Oh gosh , thank you . I'm so hungry . And this stupid place doesn't have enough table to seat in . Even the crew wasn't attending me ! How disappointing ! urgh ! " He ranted , I could see the frustrations in his face but he's still adorable tho .. oh wait ..

I smiled , listening to him as I nod my head . I understand where he's coming from and I would also curse if this happens to me .

He noticed that I'm silent so he paused munching his chicken burger and stared at me . Oh gosh , his stares ..

" Umm , I'm sorry for ranting .. by the way , I'm Lee Heeseung . " He scratched his head lightly then offered his other hand to shake . I reached for it , feeling giddy at the moment . And I don't know why .

" Im Park Jongseong . But you can call me Jay . " I said , smiling at him . He also smiled when I reached for his hand .

" Oh nice , you have a nickname .. "

" Uhh , yeah .. my mom gave me that one " I answered , releasing his hand but actually I don't want to since it's soft and warm . I love holding it but it would be awkward holding his hand longer .

" It's cute . " he spoke , gazing at me shyly .. then took a bite from his burger . I smiled .. he's the only one to say those about my name .

" uh huh ! Yes it is .. " I agreed .. and continued with my food .

We both became silent after that and also awkward . After I finished my food , I stayed for a while and glanced at him . He was still eating and had some crumbs on the side of his mouth . He's cute , everything he do is cute . I'm literally whipped for him since day one .

Actually it's weird for me to point it out but I would feel guilty if I wouldn't .. he may not notice it if I won't tell him .

" Hee .. you have some crumbs on your face . " I said awkwardly .. I called him Hee .

He immediately reached for it and wiped it with a tissue but it's on the other side . I chuckled and leaned a bit to wipe it with my own thumb . He blushed slightly at the action . I froze when I realized what I did . Gosh , I'm not thinking .

I leaned back to my seat and scratched my nape awkwardly . Great ! Now , what will I do next ?

" I'm sorry .. " I couldn't look at him in the eyes .. but he chuckled . Oh my , even his chuckles are cute . What the heck .

" You don't have to . It's okay , Jay " he said and I looked at him . He stared back at me and smiled . I internally squealed .

I also smiled at him sweetly . What am I even doing ? That was so cheesy .

Then suddenly , an idea came into my mind . He finished his food and was now getting ready to leave .

" uhmm , hey ! Are you free tomorrow ?" I asked and I swear , I blushed that time .. it's embarrassing .

He looked at me and I couldn't read his expressions . I gulped .

" Yes , I am .. why ?"

" If it's okay with you , we can hang out " I offered ..

" Okay ! " he said that made me smile .. he rummaged through his sling bag and fetched a note pad . He scribbled something on it , probably his phone number .

" Here's my number . Feel free to text me , Jay " I gladly took the piece of paper and scanned it . It also have a tiny heart drawn after the number .

" Thanks ! I'll text you later . "

" No , I'm the one who should be thankful .. Thanks for sharing me your table . "

" Not a problem at all " I said but his phone rang .. he excused himself to answer it . He waved at me , saying goodbye . Maybe it was urgent . I waved back at him and smiled .

That day has been my favorite day . I met an angel , I met the love of my life and the rest is history .

Remembering that moment still gives me butterflies . After five years , I'm still inlove with him and nothing could possibly change that .

I watched as he squirms through the sheets .. he's waking up .

" love ? " his voice was raspy and I love to hear that .

I caressed his face lovingly .. it was quite a sight seeing him at that state . Eyes and cheeks are puffy and his hair was disheveled from the long sleep .

" Good morning my love . Did you sleep well ? " I asked him but he didn't answered . Instead , he scooted closer to me and hugged me . Aww , he's cute .

" Aww , my baby wants cuddles ? " I said and he nodded . I love how he acts so adorable first thing in the morning . After this we'll be busy so it would be nice to enjoy it for a while .

" Let's just stay like this for a while love ~" he singsongs ..

" Alright .. but after ten minutes , we'll get ready okay ?" I said and he nodded . We have work today and I can't afford to be late but this baby is so adorable to resist .

I embraced him close to me like he's some sort of a plushie .. he's so soft and fragile . And I love hugging him this way . I kissed the top of his head and whispered I love yous to him on his ear . He giggled , feeling ticklish of what I did .

He loves when I act sweet to him .. he enjoyed cuddling as much as I do . I love him so much like he does .

I would place a bet .. nothing could ever separate us . Me and Heeseung are forever be together . My love is strong enough to prove this .


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