we need to fix this - lhs

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Heeseung never thought that this day would get any worst. His car just died few minutes ago and right now , he's waiting for someone to help him. He's crying right now like a lost child , squatting and hiding his head . His mixed up feelings resulted him to burst into tears . He was purposely forcing it not to pour earlier but here it goes , it's flooding his eyes.

Suddenly a car stop in front of him . He looked up only to see a familiar face .

" Oh , it's you cutie ! Why are you crying , hmm ?" The guy asked him, worriedly.

Heeseung wiped the tears on his face to clear his eyes . It's really him . He knew his face. He just hopes that this guy could help him.

" I guess there's a problem in my car , it just stopped awhile ago. I don't know how to fix this " he explained and the guy parked his car in the side .

Once he got out , he helped Heeseung to stand up .

" Your car died that's why you're crying ? You're really weird. " He said as he checks the car.

His head tilted , he wasn't sure if what's the problem in it's engine .

" Go to the driver seat and try starting it " he commanded and Heeseung did what was said but it didn't work . They tried it few times but again , the car refuses to get fixed .

" Umm , we can't fix this . Just call for a maintenance and let them tow your car . I'll just drive you home . You seems to be in an unpleasant mood today ." He suggested but Heeseung was hesitant to agree.

" I'll just wait for a cab , mister. "

" Come on , don't you trust me ? I'm one of your costumers, remember ?" He helped him remember because maybe that's the reason why the other was hesitant . He thinks he's a stranger.

" I know. But it'll be a hassle for you if you'll take me . I bet you have somewhere important to go" Heeseung insisted , not wanting to be a burden to him.

The guy chuckled . And Heeseung might or might not find it cute .

" I'm actually going home when I saw you. So just hop in . I'll take you home safe and sound." He offered and the older finally surrendered . It's better than waiting for a cab alone .

" Well , thank you ."

" No worries. So, the reason why you're crying isn't your car , right ? You wouldn't cry like that if it's just a broken engine . Do you mind sharing it ? I mean , to kill the awkwardness . It's kinda long ride for us ."

Heeseung glanced at him . He doesn't know why this guy is so talkative but what he just asked is so personal . But then , Heeseung needs someone to talk about it because he might explode if he'll just keep it himself.

He took a deep breathe while the the guy just waited for him to finally talk while his eyes are still on the road.

" Alright. I have to vent it anyways .. " he started but a tear fell down on his cheeks . He wiped it right away. " I caught my boyfriend cheating on me " his voice cracked while he said those .

" I knew it . Something bad happened to you . I'm sorry "

Heeseung giggled painfully . He's right. It's really bad.

" And you know what's worst ? " The guy spared him a glance while the traffic light was still on red " he was with my friend. I mean , new friend . I thought I met someone that I'll consider as my brother but I end up getting cheated by them . I don't know if he knew that his boyfriend is also my boyfriend . If they planned this or what .. but whatever it is , he betrayed me . They freaking betrayed me "

He felt pity for Heeseung . Sure, he doesn't know him aside from being the supplier of flowers in the town , but he doesn't deserve this. No one deserved to be cheated . Whatever the reason may be , it's so unacceptable.

" I'm sorry that it happened to you. You doesn't deserve this. " He said before pressing his feet on the gas.

" I know .. but I'm so stupid for just letting them earlier. I should've confront them and get them humiliated . It's not enough for the pain that they caused me . But I stayed silent and left them unaware that I caught them . Am I a coward for doing that ? hmmm.. I know I am . I am a coward . I can't defend myself to them . I can't defend what's mine. I can't defend our relationship. " He ranted and the other just shakes his head , disagreeing to him.

" No you're not. Staying silent is not always being a coward. Yes , you can't be vocal about it right now but time will come that you can let it out to them . I can see that you're strong for keeping it to yourself because you're enduring it all alone."

Heeseung didn't know that he's already shedding tears right now. He's hurt. And he doesn't know when will it end . It's still fresh and he can't forget about it. Even though how many times he tell himself to just forget it and forgive Jay and live like he never knew about this , still he can't. He knows that everything will change starting today and he can't afford to think about it . He can't afford to lose Jay.

" I don't know if I'm in the right position to say this but , you have me . You're not alone in this. I know we're actually strangers but you can rely on me . You can tell me if you need help . I'll help you in all means that I can. " He offered and Heeseung smiled . He's thankful that there's someone like him that's willing to help even if he's not told to. Him offering this and comforting him is really a big deal for him because not everyone's like this who have a heart to help.

" Thank you for your kind words. It really comforts me "

" My pleasure . But whatever problem in your relationship is , you can talk about it and work on it . You need to tell him about this and y'all need to solve this if you both still treasures your relationship . I know some walks in a wrong path but it takes a good partner to navigate them to bring them back in the right way . It takes two individuals in a relationship to keep it working." He commented and he's right.

Heeseung really found comfort by his words and the way he said those. Is he an angel ?

Now he thinks of the ways how to talk to Jay about it . He literally cheated but they can still fix this right ? They need to fix this.

× hi! 😅 here i am to update because it's our leading man's birthday! though he's a red flag here as a character , our Enhypen Jay is different from him. He's an angel and deserve all the love in the world.

Happy birthday Park Jongseong , my love ♡

Happy birthday Park Jongseong , my love ♡

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