Questions For The Creepypastas!

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*Hides* I promise I'll write a proper chapter by next week! I swear it on the life of BEN's pet Furby! But anyway, since I figured you poor story-deprived guys/girls were getting tired of all the fun facts, I'm doing something a little different....

Jeff the Killer

Jeff fidgeted uncomfortably in the seat.

"My most embarrassing moment from childhood? Um..."

Smirky, who was doing the interview, took his hesitation as an opportunity to try and undo the cuffs which bound him to the interviewee's chair.

He received a brief shock of electricity and immediately let go of the metal bands.

"You're staying right where you are until you've interviewed them all!" A suspiciously BEN-like voice boomed.

"I'd rather have my appendix removed at Smiley's surgery," Smirky said coolly.

"You are the author's original character and therefore represent her!"

The dentist turned around to look up at the loudspeaker.

"Couldn't the lazy brat just get out of bed and ask these pointless questions herself?"

"She's busy!"

"Doing what?'

"Playing her new DS game! Y'know! The one she's wanted for years? Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood! Now ask those questions and make sure they're entertaining!"

With that, BEN apparently left the control room to have a little snack.

Smirky sat straight again with a sigh.

At the same time, Jeff finally finished mulling over the question.

"My most embarrassing moment from childhood was when we had a school trip to the farm. We were supposed to help out with the daily chores and stuff."

"And why is that embarrassing?" Smirky asked unenthusiastically.

The psychotic killer began turning red.

"I-I tried to... Um... In front of the whole class, I..."

"You tried to what?"

Jeff hung his head in defeat.

"I tried to milk a bull."

BEN Drowned... In (insert your own guess here)

The little elf enthusiastically sat down on one of the comfy armchairs, his legs dangling over the edge.

"Ask me! Oooh! Go on! Ask me!"

Smirky reluctantly took the question card from L.J, who covered his mouth to muffle his giggles.

"A question that could only come from a rabid fangirl... Or a little demon who likes seeing me squirm," he muttered under his breath.

"You have to say it, kiddo! And with a straight face too!' The monochrome clown laughed, ruffling his hair cheerfully before skipping off.

Smirky reached up to flatten his hair again as he read the card and spoke aloud.

What's the most sexual experience you've ever had?

"Um... The question is... How has your love life been lately?" He asked slowly, carefully choosing his words.

BEN cocked his head to one side.

"Um... I went into the ladies's toilet yesterday at the arcade because I was too short to read the sign... And then later, I accidentally sat on a tennis ball... Does that count?"

"As far as I'm concerned, it does. Next!"

Dark Link~

Darkness had brought his sword along with him and kept his hands close to the sheath as he sat down.

"You're late," Smirky noted.

"I was sharpening my sword and dipping the blade in lethal poison." Came the simple reply.

BEN descended from the ceiling, unexplainably dressed up like a little nude Cupid.

"Looove is calling~" he said in a sing-song voice, holding out a Valentines-Day themed question card.

Smirky tore it from his grip and then pulled the elf down before letting go, causing him to spring right back up.

"Dark Link?"

Darkness snapped his attention away from BEN, who was clinging onto the edge of the trapdoor for dear life while trying to scramble onto steady ground.


"Would you call yourself a, quote, "sucker for romantic stuff?""

"Er... I suppose so....?"

BEN, who had just managed to haul himself to safety, suddenly exclaimed:

"I knew it! You are into Twilight and Fifty Shades of Grey! You've gotta be!"

Dark Link looked up.

"Put some damn underpants on, you lunatic!"

Smirky coughed dryly and massaged his throat.

"CoUld SoMeOnE giVe mE a glAss oF wAteR? My tHroAT's gOnE DRy..."

Laughing Dachshund

L.J started giggling as Smirky recited what was written on the question card.

"My favorite method of killing? Aww! But there's so many!"

"Just answer the question, you foolish clown," Smirky muttered irritably, resting his head in one hand.

"Hey, I'd watch what I say if I were you, kiddo! You never know if it'll come back to... Bite ya," L.J smiled widely., snowing his razor-sharp teeth in full.

Smirky bared his own pointy teeth.

"I completely agree."

"Well since you asked, my favorite method of killing depends on what kind of mood I'm in. Sometimes I like stuffing them with candy until they die, sometimes a little torturing first..."

"How about right now?"

"Hmm... I'd like to make a snap at their neck and see all of those pretty red colors spurting out!"

Unfortunately, the chapter was cut short because Smirky then broke through his leg restraints and nearly tore off L.J's swirly cone nose.

Luckily, Evelyn had been lurking around with her new taser and the dentist was soon back in his prison cell.

Sadly for him, his punishment was a choice of either giving up dental floss for a month, or having no supper for a week. He picked the latter.

To Be Continued....

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