Fear not the dark, but he who hides within it

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That's all he'd ever known....

As y/n trundled a wheelbarrow full of bodies through an alley way, the clouds above him began forming the first droplets of rain. While the drops of water hit his exposed wounds, his thoughts strayed yet again to forming strings of mock poetry, his mind still struggling to deal with the aftermath of his mother's death.

It was about....seven or eight years ago.
A rainy day just like this. He and his mother were walking home in an attempt to beat the rain, when a loud noise rang out from this very alley way. Curiosity getting the better of him, he began running into the alley, his mother calling out to him.

Coming to a stop at a corner, y/n peeked around the wall and caught sight of a large group of people, 2 of which were around his own age. There were three people with their backs against the walls, one on the floor laying as still as a log. Standing in front of the other men were a bunch of guys wearing suits and holding guns.

The leader of the group - some tall, muscular dude with long, slicked-back blonde hair, a goatie and a thin mustache and a black pinstripe suit - was yelling something about 'money' and 'coming of age'. Standing next to him were two small children about his age, some blonde haired cueball and a silver haired bowl-cut. Big and blonde had handed a gun to cueball, continuing his rant about 'tradition', when both a voice and a hand grabbed his ear.

???: there you are, you little shit. Don't go running off like that again, under....stand.....

As his mother's words trailed off, y/n looked back at the group of men, each of them holding up their 'force multipliers'.

Big and blonde spoke out to them.

B'n'b: alright, we know you're there. Come out were we can see you.

M/n: w-we should probably do as they say.....

Grasping his hand tightly, m/n led y/n out from behind the corner. Keeping their guns leveled, two of the men walked briskly toward them, grabbing them both my the shoulders and forcing them apart.

Pushing them to their knees, the mobsters pressed their pistols into their temples.

Almost crying out in pain, y/n slowly looked up at the crouching ring-leader.

B'n'b: *heh* so, I'm guessing you two 'ain't with the feds?

M/n: no sir, we were just passing by. We saw nothing, I swear....

B'n'b: yeah, yeah, that's what they all say. Now look, Im gonna level with ya': I don't want to kill a kid and his ma', but you and me both know what you saw.

Who knows, maybe you'll keep your word, but sooner or later you'll unconsciously let slip this little 'meeting' to the wrong people. And I can't have the feds chasing after my family, especially not now, they're already so far up my ass, they can see what I had for breakfast....
Soooo, unfortunately I have to remove this little incident from the history books.

Standing back up, B'n'B walked back to cueball.

M/n: no,NO PLEASE. At least let my son go, he's only 9.....

B'n'B: lady, no one cares how old your kid is. Now, fuyu. This works out perfectly for you. Today, all you gotta' do, is shoot this lady and her child. Simple as that.

Cueball looked mortified at such a proposition.

Fuyu: But...but pops, theyre a family. I-i can't kill a family....

Pops: listen little fellah, these two could've just stayed out of this and walked away before they saw anything.
But now, their a liability. And you gotta prove you're tough enough to remove liabilities before they endanger our - your - family.

So...what's it gonna be?

Cueball looked to the gun in his hand, hesitating for a moment before grasping it tightly and slowly shuffling in front of y/n's mother. His mother gave one more attempt at swaying his hand.

M/n: please.....you don't have to do this....

Raising the pistol, his grip began to shake as y/n's mother closed her leaking eyes.

Fuyu: I-i-i can't do it pops.... it...doesn't feel right...
Cueball began to shake slightly, small tears falling from his small face. His gun arm fell limp and his legs began to shake. Silver-bowlcut looked distressed at the sight if the whimpering child, while the gunmen holding y/n and his mom shifted uncomfortablely.

Fuyy: pops ...c-can...can we please just let them go?

Gunman 1 (holding y/n):
Y-yeah boss....this seems a bit to early for the little fellah....

The blonde boss shot a dirty look at the mobster

Gunman 1: N-not that I'm questioning your teaching o-or anything....its just....

(To gunman) shut it you spineless gimp

hey, it's alright little Fuyu, everyone gets nervous at their first kill. It's only natural.... here, let me start you off....

Standing up swiftly, pops whipped his gun arm down at m/n's forehead and pulled the trigger, a loud gunshot echoing throughout the alleyway.

The blood rushing to his head prevented Y/n from hearing himself scream.

His mother's limp body fell back, the mobster holding her jumping back from the spray of red blood.

The general mood of the area shifted to pained silence. The man holding y/n let go in momentary shock as y/n crawled over to his mother's side.

Y/n: mommy....please get up....mommy.....mommy

As y/n sat there bawling his eyes out, pops blew the smoke from his gun and turned to the small frozen frame of Fuyu.

Pops: There you go little fellah. Consider that a cheat sheet. Now you just gotta cap the other little fellah, then we can go get ice cream. Whad'ya say?

Gulping back evident fear, Fuyu couldn't seem to take his eyes of the unmoving frame of y/n's mother.

Pops leaned down next to Fuyu, placing a hand on his sons shoulder. Fuyu flinched violently while his grip on his gun tightened.

As pops whispered something into his ear, fuyu froze for a moment, then nodded. Taking a deep breath, he moved closer to y/n's shaking body.

As he clicked back the hammer of his firearm, y/n finnaly acknowledged him, looking straight into his eyes with nothing but contempt.

Y/n: you....you hurt mama....you hurt mama!!!..... I'm gonna hurt you just as bad!!!

Looking into his eyes, Fuyu froze once again. His pupils shrunk to the size of pins as small beads of sweat dripped down his forehead. Shaking it off, he tried steading his hand again and pulled the trigger.

Y/n felt part of his skull crack, almost in slow motion. A searing pain shot from thar crack, all the way through his eyes and down to his jaw. As his body fell back, the last thing he saw was the small frame of Fuyu on the ground puking.

Jolting back to the present, y/n stopped at a large rusting garage door. Wheeling his bounty to the side, he dropped the bodies into a large vat hidden behind a fake brick wall just outside the garage door.

Said vat was filled with an acidic solution he made himself.
Ate through bodies like a starving bear.

Turning back to the door, he lifted it with one hand and slid under. Dropping it, it closed behind him as he let out a shout:

Honey, I'm home.....

Hope and despair: Two sides of a crooked coin (male reader x dangonranpa V.2)Where stories live. Discover now