Chater 20: The Domino Effect Starts Now

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It was the first time in a long while she'd been so gravely injured. Healing up was also a pain. Some might've thought they were on even terms. That this stalemate was brought on by equality in skill level.

However, Clara knew better than to believe that Shane didn't get himself injured in order to push her to the brink. It wasn't possible to ignore injuries just because one could use magic reinforcement.

She knew his demeanour was merely a bluff.

Maybe even simple recklessness.

Clara's sword had cut tendons and caused a puddle of blood form on the floor. Shane's neck wound was festering. If he didn't get treatment, then he'd definitely die. He'd die of blood loss in a minutes.

She wanted to see if he'd continue to bluff in front of her... or try to escape, but her expectations had been ruined. Rather, who'd expected him to be so aggressive? Not only did he not give in, but he went as far as to stop the bleeding with crazy methods.

A flame burnt from his hand that traced the line where she slashed him, then 'stitched' it back together. Shane was one scary individual...To think he'd personally cauterise his wound like this!

Didn't that hurt a lot?

And yet, Shane didn't give her an opening to attack.

He was ready to fight any time.

A hand always on his Black Steel Rifle Sheath.

Regardless, the villainous woman noticed that his powers were unlike what she'd seen in her life. It made her interested... On top of that, Shane felt angered by the way she ignored her dead 'father'.

A wicked smile formed on her beautiful face.

"What~? You're looking at me so intensely... Do you like what you see?" Clara noticed and twirled her hip seductively. An action that threw her modest opponent off-guard. The mask was only helping him hide his apparent confusion; not mark all thoughts.

Though his feelings didn't escape her notice.

She looked at Duke Bryan's corpse...

How his eyes were still wide open, as if he had a lot to live for. Clara's body leaned over to the upper half of her father's corpse, grabbing his face and lifting it up. She faced it towards him while moving its jaw..

...then started to ingloriously mimic his voice:

"Oh no~ I died before even seeing my daughter's wedding~!!! If only I was more competent of a Wizard, then maybe a certain beauty would have at least TRIED to save my pathetic excuse of a life~!"

It wasn't like her taunts were working.

Shane was just averse to acting without thinking first. Rather than fight immediately, he stalled to recover after seeing she wasn't calling anybody. In fact, they seemed to be the only ones awake.

With the duke dead, everything had went to shit. He only just realised how he'd acted too much out of instinct. What should he do not? Maybe this could be fixed. There was a small chance there'd be one or two servants left walking around, but it was alright.

He wasn't planning on waiting for long.

"You're a crazy bitch." Shane was honest to her.

"Takes one to know one." Clara said while pointing at the two corpses. The dead servants he'd been ignoring all this time. It was hypocritical for him to say anything after showing he was exactly the same.

This made him glare at her while releasing flames.

The thing she noticed about that 'fire'. The attribute he was using had deviated from the norm. Rather than manifesting into an ethereal bundle of hot embers... rose petals of fire surrounded his body,

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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