Chapter 14: Instructors

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Adam took a shower to wash off the blood and sweat that had racked up due to the recent incident. His eyes dark and empty... The shock from the recent events had brought up familiar feelings of the past.

The ice cold water numbed his heart...

"Kidnapping... Yeah, kidnapping..." He remembered having this familiar feeling. His dad told him about an incident. Talking about how while he was doing his thing, his parents were robbed of their jewellery.

They went incognito on their trip to another country for a business meeting. Maybe because they didn't look wealthy, things did not escalate... but who knew what could've happened if the robbers found out.

He remembered how terrified he became of travel after that. Imagining in his head countless ways the situation could have gone wrong. How he could have never known that his parents were in danger.

How they could have came back in body-bags.

It brought him back to the reality of the present.

"Who is the culprit?" Adam thought with fear in his heart. He couldn't understand why he was suddenly attacked. If they wanted his wealth, that was one thing... but to try and kidnap him in broad daylight...

...and that too in his own home...?

It made the young man become lost in thoughts:

"Was I too careless?" Adam thought that maybe he should have taken better precautions in this scary world. At first, he thought that maybe petty crimes was all he'd worry about... but now he wasn't sure.

This incident felt too deliberate to be written off.

It wasn't a coincidence.

"Maybe I should have developed this my home defences more." Paranoia creeped into Adam's mind at that moment. A regret arose within him. If he had hired more employed workers and made his land secure, then he wouldn't have went through this.

That powerless feeling of having no control.

It made him feel guilty.

Beating himself up over the cruelty of reality- Wait...

No, was it really his fault to begin with?

"Maybe it was 'them'." Adam reasoned. The timing of the attack on him and how his guests arrived was impeccable. Was it really a coincidence? He thought back to recent unfortunate events more thoroughly.

Maybe it was Jake Arcadia who sent those intruders.

They might've been here to capture him.

...But it didn't seem like that feisty guy's style.

Moreover, Jake wasn't bad enough to use assassins.

The only thing he could think of was that it likely had to do with Duke Bryan. That damn crazy mad scientist... If the duke somehow got word of his immortality or special innate abilities, then there was a chance he'd do everything to get him.

Nothing was too low for such an insane bastard.

"Reluctance will only harm me. I need to contact a royal and get support." Adam made his move. This was his best option to date. He knew of the messy relationship the new Reigning Queen had with the now Crowned King, but that was all there was.

As for the current him and the imperial family... The two of them were on such good enough terms that Ramos would likely protect Adam properly. He had both information about royals and status right now.

Clearly able to reap benefits.

The 'Arcadia' name wouldn't move the imperial family one bit. If he contacted them, they were sure to have solutions. Things they could do to more comprehensively protect him from unknown danger.

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