Chapter 19: Untimely Demise

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A boy wanted to protect those weaker than him.

He was a child who admired his father.

Though the 'Shadow Overlord' was called an evil entity by outsiders, Shane believed his father was much more. In a world where those who were of a different species were dehumanised to a degree.

All that boy ever wanted to become just like him.

However, reality was far too cruel to him.

"Don't go spreading around your our son. You'll only taint your father's name." His mother's tone would change when her husband wasn't looking, Always bringing up his talent. The boy's lack of skills.

And how his younger sister gobbled them all up.

In his particular Mortal Realm, people were born with inclinations towards their particular 'Affinity' to the concepts. Their powers depending on both their innate 'Magical Talent' and 'Affinity' towards a certain Attribute. What they one day will grow into.

His little sister was an 'A Rank' Magical Talent with a Water and Dark Affinity. She was a true prodigy of the deep blue. As for Shane himself, he was literally nothing in comparison. Being a so-called 'Failure' in everyone's eyes. With little magical prowess.

With an 'F Rank' Magical Talent of the Fire and Dark Affinity along with his frail body, it was no wonder he was called that... Someone like him could never protect anyone. They could only be protected...

It was later that despite knowing his lack of personal strength, he lead his little sister to be a run away from home. There was also a researcher their 'cult' had captured that ran away with them.

He had assisted Judetta Darby in her escape.

And she to him.

They hadn't known each other for long, but Shane remembered clinging to her and begging. The only thing he knew about her at the time was that everyone coveted her skills and research material.

"Please... Help me become stronger." Shane spoke to her seriously. His deep blue eyes containing the inability to accept his fate. The woman, Judetta, was hesitant. She knew quite well about the severe detriments her 'augmentations' to a young body.

Still, she couldn't deny it when he was insistent.

Judetta carved out his eyes emotionlessly... then gave a new ones in their place. Promising he'd see a new world one day. That she would continue to research to make sure he wouldn't lose his vision.

However, such a thing was never come to be...

Shane lost track of her hand while they were on the run from his mother. The new eyes she'd given had yet to settle in enough. His vision was pitch black for months, but he learned to survive on his own.

That's when he met his guiding light...

He'd already lived a rough life trying to get a handle on his newfound strength, and could hardly protect himself in the vast world. The power he had was unstable. There was no way to live without help.

Simon was an existence he was reluctant to follow.

Even when Shane regained his sight and was accepted by people despite the look of his eyes, he was still reluctant. Deep in his heart, that desire never went away. Wanting to have his 'freedom'.

He trained hard under his master's guidance exactly because that reason. Just like his father, he too wanted to protect others. Wanting to be a protector that would be a tree for people to rely on.

Shane believed he was no longer a child. 

That being a dimensional traveller matured him.

He only felt hopeful.

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