Chapter 1: Nihility

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They say that without relationships, there was no livelihood. Life becomes harder when there's no one to help you. No one to help you up when you fall or attend your needs. No one to love and care for you.

It's the reason why romance was a popular genre.

Adam had heard of many who were 'living life to the fullest', but he couldn't find that happiness. He had no romance in his heart. The moral decay of modern thought had left him a staunch capitalist at heart.

What was he doing wrong?

Maybe... was it his family situation?

It's not like he'd been particularly mistreated or coddled. His parents were of the wealthy variety and even had a healthy amount of interest in him. They gave him an apartment complex he could earn from.

But nothing to learn from.

Not that a life of leisure needed such lessons.

His life was so fortunate that it'd be weirder if his personality was perfect. On one side, he was regularly getting money from tenants, and on the other, he was doing administration work.

Since his older brother only needed someone trustworthy to handle certain tasks, he was given a few odd jobs at the side. Stably, but surely... Adam was adding more money to his account day by day.

And for what purpose...?

Adam didn't really know himself.

The alarm woke him up to his average day. It was annoying enough to warrant a violent punch for it to stop disturbing him. A poor alarm clock was broken once again, but he could always buy a new one.

Actually GOING to grab one was the annoying part.

His arm hurt like usual, and it felt like pins and needles were poking out from his forehead. A face the poster boy for unhealthy lifestyle choices. Those sunken eyes were tainted by deep, dark circles.

Yup, just a regular day.

Although he wasn't fond of overworking himself to this extent, he wasn't about to let himself lose any money. After all... Losing money meant losing luxuries... Although didn't mean eternal joy, it was never wrong to have more of a good thing.

And wasn't money the best thing in the world?

It could buy comforts, at least.

From the digital entertainment on TV to a lap dance in a strip joint. Adam wasn't really earning to be some honest citizen with a big following on social media. In fact, he didn't even have those accounts.

"There is no harm if it's legal." Was what he'd think after misusing his wealth for an unhealthy lifestyle of a pervert. One who had more accounts to porn sites and games than any visits to his many tenants.

He had his own 'employees' who dealt with that. The girl who'd warmed his bed yesterday would be the one under his payroll the next. Taking advantage of the situation to get a beautiful but distant worker.

Eventually, the girls he'd bring in that way would leave on their own. To them, taking off their clothes and playing into his fetishes was a job. Once they had sufficient foundation, they got off the streets.

Going for more legitimate ventures.

It felt weird to him when those girls he'd push down and have his way with would thank him. Saying that he was 'pleasant'. Even though a few of them had tried to steal his property or try to seduce him.

"Yeah, right." He bought his own pack of condoms and checked them before sex for a reason. Sure, he was a darn pervert, but he wasn't some trusting guy who was all about the 'love' and 'intimacy' of it all.

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