1| right where you left me

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Part one

Tw itty bitty trauma dump. little use of alcohol, toxic relationships, ngl I cried writing it soo.

this was originally going to be a whole book but tbh I ran out of motivation on the second chapter.

enjoy <3

She walked down the aisle so gracefully. From the front, you can see her so clearly. She reaches the end of the aisle and the man on her side kisses her cheek before walking to the side.

The man in the middle began speaking

"Today we are here to join these two women in marriage. They found each other in a time of need and found love..." The rest blurred out I was too busy looking at her

"do you intend to take this woman whose hand you hold to be your lawfully wedded wife; and do you pledge before God and woman to love, honour and protect her through sunshine and shadow alike keeping yourself unto her alone until death shall separate you? If so, answer 'I do'."

"I do," she is saying clearly she looking into the other woman's eyes and I can see a tear rolling down her cheek.

"and, do you intend to take this woman whose hand you hold to be your lawful wedded wife; and do you pledge before God and woman to love, honour and protect her through sunshine and shadow alike keeping yourself unto her alone until death shall separate you? If so, answer 'I do'."

"I do" she replies. I can see her shiver. Excitement.

"You have chosen to seal your vows by the giving and receiving of rings. The ring forms a perfect circle, without a beginning or an end and thereby a symbol of eternity..." Eternity. f̶o̶r̶e̶v̶e̶r̶ "... and signifies the duration of commitment you are making..." Commitment. d̶e̶d̶i̶c̶a̶t̶i̶o̶n̶ "...The diamonds of which the rings are made signify the purity..." d̶i̶a̶m̶o̶n̶d̶s̶ ̶l̶a̶s̶t̶ ̶f̶o̶r̶e̶v̶e̶r̶ "and value of the relationship into which you enter..." I don't notice the tears running down my face until one dropped onto my ringless hand. "Let us now exchange these rings."

They exchange rings. The room is silent, most people have tears of happiness. I sit here with a heavy heart. That should be me. A small "Mom" is pulling me from my thoughts. I look to my right where my daughter is seated. "Do you want to go?" I was invited for my children. So she can go off and party and I look after them. They didn't want to come and witness this either. I made them go. She's still their mother. The girl takes my arm as well as her younger sisters and we sneak out the side.

"by the power vested in me by the Ministry of Magic, I now pronounce you wife and wife. You may kiss the bride..." I hear while walking out. I stop at the door.

"It is my pleasure to introduce to you, for the very first time, Mrs and Mrs Y/L/N." The crowd cheers as they turn.

We once used to be Mrs and Mrs Black

What happened to us?

I don't even notice the sob escaping my mouth until my Daughter is pulling me into a hug allowing me to cry onto her shoulder. We stand for a few minutes before she pulls away and wipes the tears from my face. She takes my hand and leads me out before apparating us back to the large house the three of us share. There used to be four...

My daughter started walking me to my room. Our room. I couldn't be there tonight. I couldn't stay there any longer. I turned and walked to the guest room. I summoned some silky Pyjamas. Her pyjamas. She didn't pack everything, she hasn't been back. She walked out of my life and never came back. Yet left constant reminders of her. Clothes, the girls, decorations, her scent, photos. Everything was a reminder of her. I continued sobbing into the pillow, I lost MY Y/N.