cooking n' cuddles

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Meet Brielle your third daughter

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Meet Brielle your third daughter...

"Hey, mama!" Brielle says as she walked into the kitchen where Julie and I were currently cooking.

"Hi, baby, what's up?"

"I wan' Mama cuddles!" She exclaimed making grabby hands at me.

"Darling... Mommy and I are baking right now. You can help us?" I offered.

"I wan' cuddlesssss" she complained placing her hands over her chest. I sighed, my gaze falling on Julie, who was giggling at our daughter. "Wha' you laughin' at Mommy?"

"Nothing sweetheart," she answered as she regained her composure. I returned my gaze to my daughter, who was pouting at me with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Like mother, like daughter," I mumbled, causing Julie to raise her eyebrows. "Come on baby," I said, in a flash, my daughter was on my hip resting her head on my shoulder.

Julie and I had decided to make cookies and had gathered all of the ingredients on the counter, ready to be mixed and baked later. All of the components were gradually put into the bowl, and we were now ready to stir. Brielle's attention was drawn to the activity as she lifted her head from my shoulder.

"Mama, can I ha'e a go?" she asked.

"Sure, baby," I said. I'm passing the spoon to her. She began to stir, albeit slowly, and with great difficulty as she refused to be put down. She gave up after the dough came together, saying it was too difficult. While I was holding Brielle, Julie proceeded to mix. I gave Julie Brielle after much deliberation. Before setting the cookies all in the oven to bake, I kneaded the dough, pulling sections of it out, forming it into a ball, and squishing it down with a fork. Brielle made grabby hands for me to hold her again as soon as I washed my hands. "Do you not love Mommy?" I inquired. I was saddened by Brielle's opposition to Julie and her constant desire for me. She's her daughter though. Both of them constantly wanted affection from me.

"I wuv mommy" she mumbled while yawning. "me jus' wan' Mama cuddles"

"What if I want Ellie cuddles?" Julie asked pouting slightly.

"You two are hard work," I muttered. "Why don't we all cuddle on the couch? Both of you can get what you want."

"Otay Mama," Brielle said sleepily.

"Sounds good, Mama" Julie teased.

"Right! To the living room, you two. I'll finish cleaning and rush over to you both to snuggle." I told them to leave the room, and they did. I cleaned the kitchen, and the cookies were ready to be taken out of the oven by the time I finished. I stepped out to my girls after putting them on the rack to cool.

When I entered our living room, I found both of my babies asleep on the couch. For a little moment, I admired them, pleased that Brielle was showing her mother some affection rather than being all over me. I dashed to my room and grabbed my phone to snap a picture of them so they could see how adorable they were.

With neither of them clinging to me, I decided to do something productive with my time and cleaned the house. Gathering all of Bri's toys and arranging them in their appropriate place, then cleaning I swept, dusted, and wiped. When I was finished, it was 4 p.m., so I continued to let them sleep while I prepared dinner. For all of us, I settled upon pasta.

I carefully entered the living room, where they were both still sleeping. after the pasta was finished. Even though I didn't want to, I had to wake them up or they wouldn't be able to sleep tonight. I decided to softly stroke Brielle's hair and whisper, "Baby, wake up," to wake her up first. Her eyelids fluttered open as she began to move. When she noticed me, she had a frown that was quickly replaced by a little smile. "Hello sweetheart," I whispered, kissing her on the forehead as she settled herself in my arms.

"Hi, Mama." She muttered against my chest, her voice was still sleepy.

"Would you like to help me in waking Mommy up?" I inquired, and she responded with a nod. "Okay." Brielle rested on Julie's hips, tapping her shoulder, while I sat beside her, pushing her hair away from her face.

"Mommy." Brielle murmured, "Wake up, Mommy!" she exclaimed.

Her eyes started to move as she began to wake up. I told her, "Darling, wake up, I made dinner." I fell in love all over again as always when her eyelashes parted and I peered into her gorgeous honey brown eyes. "Good morning, darling," I said, giggling at her puzzled expression.

Her voice was raspy from sleep, yet she asked, "What happened?"

"I told you both to wait on the couch for me, and when I came out, you were both curled up on the couch, asleep for three hours. I even managed to get a few pictures of the two of you." I explained. She just hummed, her eyes closed once more. "Don't fall asleep again, I've prepared dinner!" I informed them as I stroked Julie's face and kissed my daughter's hair, who was back in my arms. "Fine, no cuddles for the rest of the night," I stated as I repositioned Brielle on Julie and exited the room.

This caused them both to jump up faster than I've ever seen.

Julie pouted, "You can't take away cuddle privileges."

"Yea' mama, we need our cuddles." Brielle fought.

"I'll consider it," I told them this as I walked to the dining room, where dinner was already prepared. The two that followed were afraid they wouldn't get any cuddling tonight. We all sat down and ate quietly for the most part. I decided to maintain my no-cuddling stance. "All right, lovelies, it's bedtime," I told them, addressing Brielle in particular. I took her hand in mine and led her to the bathroom so she could get ready. I bathed her, dried her and dressed her. We were now walking to her bedroom. She asked me to raise her up, but I insisted on keeping her hand, which irritated her.

"Mamaaaa!" She whined. "I'm sowwy, pwease, me wan' cuddles"

"You're lucky that you're cute," I mumbled as I scooped her up in my arms.

She yawned, "I wuv 'ou mama."

"I love you, too, baby," I said as I kissed her on the forehead.

"Can me sweep wit' 'ou an' Mommy?" she asked.

"All right, my little baby, let's go look for mommy." I changed my path and went to my room instead. Julie sat reading in her pyjamas on the bed when we arrived.

"Wasn't there going to be no cuddles tonight?" She enquired.

I stated, "Well, you know, I can't stay away from you two forever, I love you both too much."

"Good," she murmured quietly, "because I, too, need Mama cuddles." When I looked down, I saw my daughter, who was already sleeping, clinging to me like a koala bear.

"It appears that your daughter has taken your place," I stated, "so you'll have to battle for it tonight, darling." I cracked at my joke, as I lay beside her. Julie had herself curled into my side, face in my neck, and legs wrapped around me as soon as I was comfortable. I murmured, "Goodnight, my babies."

"Night, love," Julie murmured against my skin, already half asleep.

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