I don't remember...

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Gone... part 2

3rd person POV

Narcissa laid with her head on the chest of her girlfriend. She sobbed into her chest. Not even the pain of her contractions was worse than this. When Y/N woke she would not remember Narcissa


"Do you really think you can divorce me with ease?" he questioned. Lucius held his wand to Y/N's face pulling his hand away from her mouth and holding her arm so she couldn't get away.Y/N looked over to Narcissa and mouthed 'I love you' Meanwhile Narcissa was shouting and crying trying everything in her power to stop her husband from doing what he was about to do.

"Obliviate" He shouted. "You are a slut Narcissa, you don't deserve anyone or anything" he seethed. "I'll sign the divorce papers tonight. As soon as he's born you're gone Narcissa." Lucius yelled, storming out of the room. Narcissa didn't care. The only thing she wanted was for Y/N to wake up. So she could do anything in her power to get Y/N to remember their wonderful friendship and newly formed relations.

End of flashback.

Narcissa clung onto Y/N tightly, still sobbing and begging her to wake up "Y/N you have to wake up. I will make you remember and we will raise our baby together. Please just wake up!" she cried. "Please..." She was interrupted by a second person entering the room. She looked slightly scared it would be Lucius back to do more damage. She instead saw a glimpse of the strawberry blonde curly hair. Her Midwife Sandy.

"Oh Cissa what happened here?" she asked rushing to her side. She lifted her patient to stand. Narcissa tried to fight but was too tired and not strong enough to do so. Sandy moved her to the Bed bench and sat her down. "Narcissa this isn't good for your baby, sweetheart I need you to calm down, just a little bit."

Narcissa looked Sandy in the eyes nodding slightly focusing on her breaths. "Very good Narcissa," Sandy told her as she began to calm slightly.

Narcissa looked towards the woman on the floor and whimpered. "She won't remember" she whispered. "Can you move her to the bed, please?" she asked Sandy.

"Sure honey." She stood up and levitated the unconscious woman to Narcissa's bed. Narcissa made her way and laid next to her, kissing her cheek, before falling into her crying. Sandy's heart broke at the sight. Narcissa had informed her at appointments of her growing feelings for her best friend. Ones that had been growing for years since they were at Hogwarts. She only had married Lucius because of her family. "Cissa, sweetie I know your hurting but is it okay if I give you a check-up?" she asked carefully.

Narcissa sighed shakily. "Okay..." she murmured. Sandy sat on the bed next to Narcissa who still clung onto Y/N. Without fuss, she checked her temperature, blood pressure and other things that didn't require her to move. Every now and then she would clutch her stomach and sob harder into Y/N's hair. Sandy wondered why Y/N hadn't woken yet, either Lucius used a very powerful spell, or it hasn't worked as it should have. She had to check Narcissa before checking on Y/N.

She finished her check up on Narcissa. She was 6cm dilated so she could check Y/N and see what was going on. She checked and everything was fine considering the circumstances. "I'm sorry Narcissa, I can't find anything wrong... Are you sure he shouted Obliviate?" she asked the crying woman. She nodded in response clutching her stomach once again. The contractions were getting closer together and more painful. With one scream the woman next to her jolted up.

"Y-Y/N?" Narcissa asked. Her girlfriend faced her but was very confused...


I feel like I've been shot in multiple places. There is screaming and sobbing. I don't know where I am or what is happening. My eyes were still shut but I heard my name being called. I looked to my right and found Narcissa crying. She looked like she had been crying for a while. Why was she crying? What happened? Why was I sleeping? I can't remember anything after my last birthday the day I found out Narcissa was pregnant. Narcissa looked at me and clutched her stomach in pain, oh god she's in labour.

"Cissa. Hold my hand, it might help ease the pain." She looked at me surprised but still grabbed my hand. She screamed in pain and I squeezed it lightly. Once the contraction passed she looked at me and half smiled.

"Y-you remember me?" she asked in a hopeful tone.

"Of course. You're my best friend Narcissa." I told her. Her head dropped. "What? Am I missing something?" I asked

"It's nothing..." she whispered. She then screamed in pain as another contraction hit.

"Sweetie you need to start pushing now." Her midwife told her.

"Is there anything I can do?" I asked looking back and forth between them. Narcissa spoke up.

"Hold me please..." Narcissa whimpered

"Of course." I moved and sat behind her, at the contact I got a throbbing pain in my head. It's like I just remembered a whole years worth of information. Well that's exactly what happened. I remembered telling Narcissa I would stay with her at the Manor while she was pregnant, I remember making her breakfast in bed one morning, the day we found out I couldn't have children, Lucius yelling at Narcissa in her room one day, I remember yesterday and all the events that occurred leading me to pass out. And the fact that Narcissa is now more than just my best friend.

My thoughts were cut off by Narcissas harsh hold on my hands and her screams. "You're doing so well darling." I said kissing her hair. "Only a few more pushes and it will be over, sweetheart." Soon I heard the cries of her baby boy. "Cissa you did it!" The midwife cut the umbilical cord and took her little boy to wash away the blood. Narcissa meanwhile looked up at me. "I'm so proud of you, darling. So so proud" I said kissing her forehead.

"Thank you." she whispered breathlessly. She hung onto me tightly.

"Cissa?" I asked her. She looked up and lazily mumbled 'Mhm' "When I first sat behind you, all my memories came back, and I- I remember our- well I remember everything. And I love you. Very much."

"I love you too." she replied leaning in and to kiss me.

"I will help you raise your baby as you were about to ask me yesterday." I stated.

"Really?" I nodded yes

"Of course darling. We can move into my house and start our little family there." I told her and her whole face lit up "I still have the Nursarry set up from when I was expecting Oli, so your little boy can sleep in there. The room is painted in a fantasy theme." her eyes teared up a little.

"Are you sure? That room is so special to you." she asked with concern.

"You are more special Narcissa, and so is your little boy." I told her

"Our little boy" She corrected. I leaned down and connected our lips once again. We were disrupted by footsteps entering the room. In came Sandy with a little blonde boy in her hands. She came over and handed him to Narcissa making sure she was okay before walking away and sorting out other things.

"Do you have a name for him?" I asked

She thought for a second "How about Draco?"

"Thats beautiful Cissa."

{1243 words}

I decided on a happy ending for once ;)