proposals and picnics

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TW: Smut 😬

I kinda liked Julie being with the influencer in "You're perfect" so we're gonna do it again :)

enjoy <3

Julie was still asleep, I was in the bathroom getting ready for today. Everything was planned and I was currently filming myself getting ready. Huntley has been helping me plan it all. They will be there filming hopefully discreetly.

"Good morning everyone! Julie is still asleep. It is currently 7 am and I am going to get myself ready. Julie has no idea, I am going to propose to her today." I whispered to the camera so that Julie hopefully would not hear. I got ready and walked back into our bedroom, I still had my pyjamas on but my hair and makeup were done. She was still in bed so I went laid down next to her.

"Why were you not here when I woke up?" she mumbled.

"Mmm, cause we have plans today," I advised before peppering kisses all over her face. She giggled causing me to smile at her, I placed one last kiss on her lips and pulled away.

"So what are these plans you have that had you out of bed at such an early hour?" she asked, clinging onto me like a koala.

"That's a surprise, baby," I told her, causing her to pout slightly. "Oh don't pull that face," I said to her

"Why can't you tell me?" she whined.

"Because it's a surprise," I tell her. She rolled off me and faced the other direction "C'mon get up, get ready. Then you'll know faster," I say to her, I try to get her to face me again but she is not. "Don't be like that baby." I tried to get her to face me but she was being stubborn and would not turn. "Okay fine, no cuddles for the rest of the day," I say and get off the bed, I start to walk downstairs to make us both breakfast. Halfway down the stairs, she caught up to me, she wrapped her hands around my waist.

"You aren't taking my cuddles away," she murmured. I begin to laugh at her causing her to hit my shoulder. "It's not funny," she complained like a child.

"Awh, is my baby upset?" I asked her, turning around and lacing our fingers together.

"No." she immediately says, pulling her hands away and crossing her arms over her breasts.

"Right," Is all I said. I pick her up and partially throw her over my shoulder.

"Hey! *slap* put *slap* me *slap* down *slap*," she says while slapping my shoulder in an attempt to be let down.

"Nope, act like a child get treated like a child," I say mock sternly.

"UGH, you're so mean," she exaggerated.

"Yeah, but you love me," I say placing her down on the couch and placing kisses all over her.

"I suppose I do," she said while laughing as the light kisses tickled her causing goosebumps to cover her.

TALES OF THE HEART ❦❧ HELEN MCCRORY CHARACTER ONESHOTS Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin