come home

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Your phone started ringing, It was 2 am you were on the night shift at the hospital

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Your phone started ringing, It was 2 am you were on the night shift at the hospital. Tuesdays were usually quiet so you were just doing the rounds, making sure all was well. Stepping aside into the staff room you answered the call from Kathryn.

"Y/N?" she asked shakily.

"Yes, my love" you answered. As you answered you heard her break down on the other side of the phone. "Love, what's wrong?" You asked more worried that something bad had happened to her.

"I'm sorry, I know you're at work-" She spoke until you cut her off

"Shh, love I've told you, you can call me whenever," you reassured.

"I know..." she whispered "I just can't sleep." she cried softly. "Every time I fall asleep, I get terrible nightmares." your heart broke at the sound of her voice breaking, you hated that you were getting these random overnight shifts as you would rather be at home holding your wife in your arms while keeping her nightmares at bay.

"Do you want me to come home?" you asked as you heard she was not calming down.

"I don't want you to lose your job because of me," she replied.

"That's not what I asked, love. Do you want me to come home?" You asked again.

"Yes," she whispered very quietly. "But you don't-"

"I'm already on my way," you lied.

"Okay..." she murmured

"I love you, I'll be home soon okay?" you assured.

"Okay, I love you too," she replied quietly before hanging up. You quickly rushed to find your boss in a reasonable amount of time.

"I just got a call from my wife, she's not well at all. Is there any chance I could go home early?" you asked, she looked up at you and smiled.

"Of course, it's a quiet night. We will manage. Please send her well wishes for me," she answered and you smiled in return.

"Thank you!" you exclaimed. "I'll see you Friday," you said practically running out of her small office. You quickly collected all your stuff and ran out to your car, driving home to your wife, whom you couldn't wait to bundle up in your arms. As you arrived home you opened the front door and dumped all your stuff onto the floor to be cared about tomorrow morning. You ran upstairs and opened the door to see her laying curled into the blankets still crying.

"Hi darling," you said softly. "Let me get changed and I'll be right there okay," you informed and she mumbled something in response. Quickly you changed into some more comfortable clothes and got into bed behind her allowing her to curl herself into you.

"Thank you, my love," she said softly.

"No problem, darling. You know I'll always be here for you," you assured with a kiss on the head. She yawned in response. "Sleep my darling, I'll be right here when you wake up." She fell asleep finally feeling safe in your arms. You gazed down at Kathryn as she slept, you noticed how peaceful she looked and how you would do absolutely anything for that woman so that she could be in that exact peaceful state all the time.

The amount of coffee you had to keep you awake for work was still rushing throughout your system. You were home, and in bed, but you couldn't sleep. You had your body prepared to stay awake until the end of your shift at 6 am. You continued to stroke Kathryn's hair softly as you listened to her soft breaths and the soft murmurs as she dreamed of good things hopefully. You lifted your hand gently as she moved into a new position only snuggling closer to your side. Even in her sleep, she needed you close. You decided then and there that Kathryn was the most important thing in your life and if working overnight shifts was affecting her, you would stop it.

Well of course she was already the most important thing in your life. You knew it from the day you met her. Well, the first day you had a conversation, not about her son.


You met while you were looking after her son. She was out on the balcony upset because of something that had happened that day with her son. She was talking to her friend. "I have a massive crush on the nurse looking after my son. She's there looking after my son and all I want to do is kiss her." She told the man. She didn't know you were listening. Once the man left, she was still out there. It took you a few minutes before deciding to walk over to her. When you got to her you noticed she was crying. You sat next to her. She looked up from her hands and looked at you surprised. "How long have you been out here?" She asked.

"Enough to know you want this," You said simply and placed your lips on hers. Her lips were salty from the tears but felt so soft and so perfect. She was stunned for a second but kissed back almost immediately. You pulled away for air and looked at her. You smiled and wiped her tears using your thumbs. "You have beautiful eyes," You told her which caused her to blush.

"Thank you," she whispered.

"I'm here for you as well as your son, okay?" You assured making sure she understood you would help her through this. She nodded in response. "And don't think I don't notice the glances while I work. Or the look of disappointment on your face when I have to leave the room." You teased. She hid her head in your chest to hide her blush and laughed. Ever since that day you've barely had a day apart.

end of flashback

As different memories of your's and Kathryn's relationship ran through your head a huge wave of tiredness hit you. It was safe to say that no matter what happened you and Kathryn would be together through it all because you would do anything to make sure she was safe. She was the best thing that ever happened to her and you were her best thing...

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