I'll look after you

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Narcissa was staying at your house, she had just recently been kicked out of the Malfoy Manor for having an affair with you. Lucius didn't treat her very nicely when he found out. He tried to Crucio her to her death.

flashback to a few months before being kicked out.

It was a very stormy day, Narcissa sat in the library of your house, trying to distract herself from the rumbling outside. You had left about twenty minutes ago to go shopping for some snacks for their movie day. When you left the weather was perfectly fine otherwise she would not leave her Cissa at home knowing how much she hated storms. From the supermarket, she could not tell of the storm outside. She continued collecting all her's and Narcissa's favourite snacks. Meanwhile, Narcissa was on the verge of panic, praying to merlin that You would return home soon. The familiar stinging sensation set itself on her bottom eyelids. After going through the checkout you walked outside and saw the rain falling so heavily and the sky black as black. As you walked out the door there was a large crack of thunder. Your last thought before apparating home was Narcissa.

You walked through the door as fast as you could. Checking every room for Narcissa. You called for her and called for her but got no answer. Right now you cursed herself for having such a big house. You walked into the library and finally heard sniffles of your darling Cissa. "Oh my sweet darling," you said rushing to the side of your girlfriend. As soon as Narcissa heard the angelic voice of her Y/N she sat up ready to fling her arms around you, the one she loves most and cry onto your shoulder, while she listened to the heart that beat only for her as a way to calm her down. As soon as you so much as made it to her, Narcissa had already attached herself to you scared that if she let go, you would leave again.

"P-please don't leave me here again." she cried. "I was so scared you weren't coming back." she continued to sob onto your shoulder. You stroked her bi-coloured hair and whispered sweet nothings to her. Hearing the words of your beloved you looked down at the beautiful woman who sat in your lap. Taking her chin you made Narcissa look at you, you gazed into the honey-brown eyes which she had fallen in love with.

"Darling, I'm never going to leave you. Please don't ever think that." You said while placing a kiss on her forehead. "I'm sorry I didn't get here faster, love," You continued with a hint of sadness in your voice. At this moment you remembered the gift you had bought for Narcissa for her birthday in a few weeks. "Come, darling. I have something for you." You both stood hand in hand, Narcissa snuggled to the side of you and you walked to the bedroom that you shared whenever Narcissa stayed. Anytime there was a clap of thunder you would be sure to hold Narcissa a little tighter. When you made it to the room you sat Narcissa on the bed and let her go, earning a small whimper from Narcissa at the loss of touch. Rummaging through your drawers you found a small black box that held two rings one for the both of them.

"Now, I was going to wait until your birthday. But I feel as if in these uncertain times with the war and other things going on in life, you need this now," you explained, Narcissa looked up at you confused, you had agreed on no marriage until she was fully out of her own. "It isn't what I assume you are thinking, well it is a ring. But it's not just any ring." you opened the box and revealed the two simplistic rings, rings that could be disguised as normal fashionable rings so Narcissa could wear hers without the suspicions of her husband who thought all this time away from home was merely just Narcissa doing her charity works for the Malfoy family. Which she still got done for proof for her husband. "We each get one ring, therefore when one is upset or panicking the other's ring will heat up and therefore can come to the aid." you continued to explain. Taking out one ring you slid it onto Narcissa's finger. You then slid your own onto your finger. There was a tingling sensation that you both felt as the rings connected the two.