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Gilbert's POV.

It's barely been 6 months and people seem to be back to their normal selves. They smile like nothing ever happen. But they didn't see what I saw. They didn't see you as the person who hurt you the most threw you to your death. As he fed you to the hungry waves. But, I was there. And I hate myself every second of every day for not being able to do anything about it. I hate how my body wasn't able to move to help, and yet my eyes were strong enough to keep themselves open as I watched you die.

The ring never left the box. In fact, I haven't opened the box. Because I was supposed to open it in front of you. When I was down on one knee.

I still remember your joyful face when I told you I had a surprise. You couldn't be more excited, and it warmed my heart. But you didn't even make it to see what I had planned for you. You didn't see me get down on one knee and asking for your hand. The only thing in this world I truly wanted was for me to be with you. Happy. But that got taken away from me as well. Sometimes I think that maybe if I join you where you are, then maybe we can be happy. Together. Just you and me.

But to think that maybe, in the future, we could've started a family. I had a dream about it once. We had a little boy named Oscar and a girl named Ivory. We were happy. We even had a dog. I remember you calling her Marie, named after your second grade crush, I thought that was pretty funny. But then I woke up. And you were not there. Your side of the bed was cold. And I cried. I cried a lot. But Delly was there to cheer me up. She eventually caught up to saying my name. And a few other words. And she called Bash 'dada' for the first time. She's getting the hang of it. But one thing that she always says to cheer me up, always makes a tear run down my face.

'Flora is with mama.'

She's right. You are in a better place now. Better than this painful, horrible place. There are still so many things that I still have to tell you.

But I cannot turn back time. And there is no point in staying miserable forever. There are people out there who need my support as well. Diana. She loved you so much. Her heart broke into millions of pieces when I delivered the news. Daniella. She found out about you the same day she found out that her twin was gone. Alejandro. He was your bestfriend. I can imagine it was not easy for him. Bash cried from morning 'til night. And when he woke up, repeated the process. Delly has no idea what has happened. She's so clueless, but she misses you. The only thing she know is that you've gone to live with her mama. But every morning she still comes looking for you in my room, only to find me crying alone. So many people have lost you, and I've been too Selfish to see that I'm not the only one suffering.

You touched people's hearts in a way that they'll never forget. You live in people's minds, but you live in my heart. I have so many memories with you, good and bad, but I'd do it all over again. Because I love you.

I might be going crazy, but I can hear you. I can hear you in my head, telling me that everything will be okay.

I became a doctor. It's what I've always wanted to do. You knew that.

Mr. Phillips is in prison. Finally. He was caught a few hours after what happened. Apparently a few people had seen it.

He denied of course, but with the witnesses it was difficult for him to get out of that one. And I hope he rots in there.

Life has been harder without you. I don't have you to hold me at night. No one's here to kiss my forehead when I feel sick. No one is here to wipe my tears.

But I know this place does not deserve you. This earth does not deserve your kind heart. This reality is too cruel for a soul like yours. That's how I've come to accept that you've left. You are in a better place.

I love you, Darling.

I put the letter down beside her tombstone as a tear escapes my eye. Her tombstone is beside my father's. And on her other side is Ron's. Her's is the only one that doesn't have a body. Her body was never found. Lost somewhere deep down in the North Atlantic Ocean.

Beside the letter I put down a boquet of flowers. Gypsophila flowers. Her favorite. I replace the dead boquet that I put down the week before. Replacing the dead pink with the fresh blue.

On the front of the tombstone is a painting of her. A painting made by Cole. There's a smile on her face. The same smile I see in my dreams when she tucks our two kids into bed.

But I know she's watching over me. Making sure that I get back on my feet. And little by little, I'm getting there.

I didn't know if y'all wanted an epilogue, but here it is.

Remember to go check out my new loki x reader.

Ps. Y'all have asked me this a lot, and yes, there will be more Anne W An E fanfics. For example. There is a Jerry one in making:)

Edit: There will be an 'I'm Your Enemy 2'

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