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"Hello, my beautiful Flo. Welcome. Let Charles help you with the luggage. Cole and I have been very excited to see you." Aunt Josephine suffocates me in a tight, warm hug. She pulls away and takes my face in her hands making me giggle. "What a beautiful face." She kisses my cheek. Charles walks down the stairs and greets me. He works in Aunt Josephine's house, and has been ever since I've known her, which is pretty much my entire life. He takes my luggage and strolls up the stairs. 

"Hello, Aunt Jo." I kiss her cheek.

"Dinner is served. Make yourself at home." Her hand finds my lower back, strolling with me to the dinner table.

"Flora!" Cole stands up from his seat and rushes up to me.

"How have you been, Cole?"

"Better now that you're here. I have so much to tell you." He grabs my hand and walks me to the table, taking out a seat for me. I sit as Charles starts serving food onto my plate. 

"Tell me everything." I say as I shove a piece of pork into my mouth.

"I met someone." I hear him whisper to me. I instantly stop chewing. I look up from my plate and up at him.

"You what?!" I ask, mouth still full.

"He's coming over for dinner, so get ready to meet him. I think you'll like him. He's really sweet and caring. And he's got this gorgeous accent." His pupils dilate when he speaks of this mysterious guy. "I've never met anyone like him."His cheeks flush a warm color. Just as he speaks of the mystery boy, the doorbell rings. "Oh my god, that's him." He turns to me. "How do I look?" He asks me while fixing his hair and shirt collar.

"Like a princess." I tell him, smiling. He stares at me with a death stare spread across his face. "I'm joking. You look very handsome." I tell him honestly. "What about me? Do I look handsome too?" I ask, straightening up my back. 

"No, you look absolutely horrible." He says sarcastically. The door to the dining room opens and in walk Aunt Jo and a guy behind her. Aunt Jo tells the boy to take a seat by the table before she walks back out of the dining room. My face drains of color. He is so handsome. He has a pretty face and beautiful black curls, but my focus is rather on the fact that I am staring right back at Alejandro. 

"Flora? What are you doing here, muchacha?" His brows furrow. Mine do the same as I stare back at him.

"I could ask you the same." I answer back.

"You two know each other?" Cole appears beside me, his arms crossed over his chest, and brows doing the exact same as mine and Alejandro's.

"Yeah, you could say that." I mutter quietly. I can't believe my own eyes. I knew that Alejandro had moved back to PEI, but I didn't know that he was here in Charlottetown. I thought his dad lived in Avonlea. 

"What are you doing still standing there? Come give me a hug, señorita." He opens his arms wide. Sure, I am shocked and confused, but I am even more excited just to see him in front of me. Thus, I leap into his arms, giving him a tight hug, warming myself in his embrace.

"I am so confused." Cole stands not too far away, just looking at us with a look on his face. "What's going on?" He asks.

"This is the guy you were talking about?" I ask Cole, pulling away from the embrace.

"And this is the girl you were talking about?" Alejandro asks as well.

"Yes and yes." Cole admits.

"Hold on, I didn't even know you were gay." I tell Ale. "You never told me."

"Muchacha, I thought it was obvious. You're just very clueless. It's the first thing everyone notices about me when we meet. Doesn't the good hairstyle say anything about me? Or the fact that I wear perfume instead of cologne? Which, by the way, women have so many choices of scents, I love it. Or the fact that I have a perfect posture? Or the fact that I have the word 'Queer' tattooed on the back of my head?"

"Oh, I thought it said 'queen.'"

"Can anyone please explain to me what's happening?" Cole gets back in the conversation, looking as lost as ever.

"Right! Sorry. Mi amor, Florence is my best friend since childhood." Alejandro explains. Cole takes a step back.

"What?" If it's possible, he looks even more confused.

"You're dating my best friend, Cole." I confirm. He lets out a soft gasp, sitting back down on one of the many seats. "Are you okay?" I ask him.

"Yeah... I'm just offended that I'm not your best friend." He says to me, making me chuckle.

"How did you two meet?" I ask them.

"Oh uh... so, I was at the 'Alegro' bar and Alejandro was bartending-" Cole begins, but I cut him off.

"Really, Ale? You can't seem to get distance from liquor, can you?" I scold him.

"Says the dipso." He shoots back at me. I blow raspberries in his face before looking back at Cole.

"Anyway, please continue." I told him, calmly.

"I could tell right off the bat that Alejandro was gay, which is very obvious, Flora, look at him, you have to be blind to not see it." He told me. I just shrugged off the judgement and let him continue. "I asked for a drink, and he tended me with the most charming accent. I couldn't help but ask him out." Cole smiles lovingly at Ale. I didn't know about this relationship. It's sad that I didn't. Especially because they are both very good friends to me. But looking at them now, I can see how both of them are happy. I know that feeling they both feel. I have it with someone as well. It's the best feeling in the world, although sometimes it can be terrifying. I'm happy they both found someone who matches their personality.

A/N: Okay so how about a Marcus X Reader too?(Marcus from deadly class) I might just do it. Don't worry I'll make the reader a bad ass bitch;)

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