Midnight Celebration

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Flora's POV.

Sure, Christmas was fun, but this is what I've been waiting for. The New Years Midnight Celebration. It's one of the most special gatherings in Charlottetown. And who is the best party host in all of Charlottetown? Aunt Josephine, of course.
I've been helping putting up decorations along with Cole and the rest of the servants. But now that everything's put up, I can't seem to be making a simple decision.

"Okay, you choose." I tell Cole, who sits on my bed. I lift up a dress in each hand. "This one," I motion to the dress on my left. "Or this one?" I lift up the one on my right.

"Hmm... It really is a hard choice." He says looking between the two.

"The one on your left brings out your eyes... but that one goes better with your skin tone."

"Which means?" I ask him, almost panicking. Over the low music that plays in our room, I can hear guests arriving and being greeted.

"Do you have a third option?" He asks me. I think over the various dresses that I own and shake my head.

"Bullshit. There's always a third option." He gets up on his feet and rushes to my wardrobe. In a matter of seconds he already has a piece in his hands. "I truly am a life saver. Here. You're welcome." He throws the dress in my direction as he walks out to greet a few people.

How it got in my wardrobe, I do not care, because now it's mine.


Going down to greet people I don't know, Is not really my type of thing. So all, I do is sit on my ass until the whiskey is brought out.

"Milady." Gilbert sits next to me as I look up at him. I didn't notice he was one of the guests that had arrived.

"Gentleman." I smile, reaching up to kiss his cheek.

"I missed you." He kisses my cheek back.

"It's been 24 hours."

"Well, it's really easy to miss you."

"I missed you too."

He looked at me. Up and down, making my cheeks go warm. And then his eyes stared at my mouth.

"Stop looking at me like that." I look away from him, trying to hide the warm color that has reached my cheeks and nose as I look towards the front door.

"What? You look beautiful." He tells me. I feel my smile widening, but when my eyes reach the door again, it falters from my face in a mere second. No. No, no, no.

"What's wrong, love?" Gilbert gently takes my chin, turning me towards him. "Did I do something?"

My eyes are wide as I look at him, but I shake my head. "No. You didn't do anything. I'm fine I- just... I just forgot to put on the ring you gave me. I'll be right back. I rush up the stairs, already feeling my guts twisting and turning, feeling utterly nauseous at the mere sight of Mr. Phillips in the same house as me. My heart skips faster and faster as I play back the moment he walked in through the door, his eyes firmly on me. My palms and forehead begin to sweat. My eyes begin to blur. Bit I convince myself- convince myself that I am okay. That what happened, what he did... didn't.

It's all in my head. It's fake.

I close the door to the bedroom as I walk in.

Shaking. I'm shaking.

It's in my head.

"Flora! Open the door." Cole's voice booms through the closed door. I take a deep breath, making sure that I look stable, and place the ring that Gilbert gave me on my finger.

"Yeah, what's going on?" I ask Cole as I open the door. "

"I saw you rush up the stairs. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. I just need a second." I try to push him out the door, but he walks in, closing the door.

"Is this about Mr. Phillips being here?"

I stay silent. That might be answer enough.

"I don't even know what he's doing here. He wasn't even envited." He shakes his head.

"You know what, it's fine. We'll try to forget about it and just have fun."

"Yeah. Exactly. Come on, let's go have fun." My hand is grabbed and he pulls me down the stairs, where all the guests have arrived, including the students from school. We go greet them. Never have I ever has such an awkward eye contact with someone until now. Billy stares at me as he walks with is two sisters.

"Oh. Hold on, Alejandro arrived." Cole lets go of my hand, but not before giving me reassuring words. "Don't go too far. I'll be right back with you."

I nodded. If there's one thing I don't want, it is to keep Cole from having fun, just to stay by my side. I decided to walk to the table, especially now since the alcohol had been laid out.

Reacing for a glass, my hands gets stopped. "I already got one for you." A cold hand wrpa around my wrist. A familiar hand. That same exact hand had once been in that same exact spot too.

"Let go of me." I whisper to Mr. Phillips as I try not to attract people's attention.

"Calm down, Love. I'm just here to have fun. What are parties for?" He asks with a cheeky grin

"Guests." I answer. "And for what I have heard, you are not one of them, you came uninvited. Now, let go of me."

He put the glass of whiskey on the table and released his tight grip on me.

"Where are you going?" He asks as I take a step away from him.

I stop walking and turn to him. "Away from you."

"Won't you hear a poor man's apology?"

"Apology?! I don't want your apology! It will not change what has been done."

"At least hear me out so I can sleep with a clear conscience tonight, knowing that I at least tried to mend things."

"Go home." I tell him.

"Please." His eyes narrow. I hope he burns in hell.

I sigh, already knowing that he won't let me go. I take my glass of whiskey and take a sip, preparing for the long speech.

"You have no idea how truly sorry I am, Florence. What I did, has kept me awakw for weeks. I can't believe my own actions."

"The damage is done." I tell him.

"It is. But I was hoping it could be forgotten. I am trying to be a better man. Be happy for me.:

"So I'm supposed to be happy for you? That you finally decided to apologise after raping me?"

"Just be happy I didn't drug you the first time."

"Excuse me?" I raise my brows at him. For a moment I can see the sorrow. The pain behind his eyes,but then I see the mask he uses to hide the truth. The truth of how he's not sorry at all. A smirk sits on his face. A devil's smirk. "What do you mean the first time?"

That's the moment I realise what he did. The drink in my hand... the drink he gave me...

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