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"I know you're out there!" I yell. Two figures walk from behind a wall with ashamed expressions on their faces. "I'm so disappointed." I scold the twins who look at the floor pouting. "Eavesdropping? Really, guys?"

"We're sorry." They say in unison.

"Drop the act." I say, knowing well that they are not sorry at all for listening to Gilbert and I's conversation. Ron shrugs it off and smiles while walking towards me.

"Was that Gilbert? The guy you've been talking about?" He asks pointing to the door, where Gilbert walked out about two minutes ago.

"Yes." I try to hold back a smile but fail. Heat rushes to my cheeks and I look away to hide the visible blush.

"Really?! Oh my god. He's so handsome!" Daniela rushes over to me with her mouth open.

"I know!" I shriek. I still think it's unbelievable that I got to kiss that hunk of a man.

"You have to tell me details. Is he a good kisser? Good in bed?" She practically begs for me to say something.

"Dani, please." Ron tries to calm down his sister. "But tell us." He begs as well.

"He's alright." I say with a shrug.

He's not alright! He's AMAZING. He's perfect! He's what I imagine heaven feels like.

"Alright? That's all? You're telling me that the guy you've been talking about for ages is only alright in bed?" Dani gives me a death stare. I shrug and turn to my next customer who walks in through the door with a wide smile on their face. An elderly man with gray hair approaches the counter.

"Welcome to 'Baked Goods' how can I help you, sir?" I ask, trying to sound polite. He looks around at the goods through the glass counter display and I can tell he's a newby.

"Any recommendations?" His eyes maintain on the display.

"The apple pie Mr. Hawks makes is great. We also serve coffe but I prefer the hot chocolate." I say. He looks up at me and nods.

"Yes. That sounds good."

"Perfect. Take a seat an you'll be served in a minute."


The whole day goes by like an arrow. The café ended up being packed by a bunch of customers. A guy came in with his friend group, trying to hit on me. Disgusting. But in the end it was alright. I closed up the shop and headed up to the apartment for a nice dinner with the others.

"What is this I hear about a boy?" Mr. Hawks asks from the kitchenas he stirs into a pot.

I immediately look at the twins.

"You should've known we would tell him." Dani chirps, looking up from her thick book.

Yeah. I should've known.

"His name is Gilbert." I walk into the kitchen. "He's really nice. But there's nothing going on between us."

That is true.
Mostly true.
Partly true.

"Blythe?!" Mr. Hawks excitedly shouts out, gaining attention from the twins as well.

"You know him?" I ask confused.

"Blythe is a good man. Fitting for your personality. Why do you say there's nothing going on between you two?" He asks as he puts stew in four bowls.

"We just didn't... I don't know. We broke up because we don't agree on many things." I find the most fitting answer.

"My girl..." He comes closer to me. He cups my face and I feel this fatherly love for him. "If love didn't come with disagreements it wouldn't be a challenge. It is supposed to come with fails, puzzles and traps which then, you have to solve together." His words make sense. They do. Gilbert and I's relationship was complicated, but maybe it's worth fighting for. "You know... when I was young- 21 years old to be exact- I met my love. Mrs. Hawks. May she rest in peace." He lowers his head in respect. "We had our complications. We fought and yelled at each other all the time. She couldn't take it anymore. She left to her parents' house. I was devastated. But I got the courage and I ran all the way to her parents' house and knocked until she came to the door. 'I love you. Our problems can be solved faster if we do it together.' That's what I told her. And I found my way back to her heart."

I feel it click in my head. The sign that I need are the few words that came out of his mouth. I aggressively yank the apron from my body and run down the stairs of the apartment. Adrenaline fills my body as I sprint towards the door. I can hear my name being shouted from upstairs, but I'm in a rush to get somewhere.

My boots sink into the snow as I run to the direction of the house where I know someone special might be waiting for me. I don't worry about the cold hitting my bare arms. I didn't bother to get a jacket because these words need to be said to him immediately. The hitched breathes I take are visible in the air due to the cold.

The house is visible. My fingers and toes have gone numb, but my sprint is even faster. I can already smell the delicious curry that Bash uses in his cooking.

I arrive at the door and I lean my hands on my knees, taking a deep breath. My heart speeds and my hands sweat. I pick myself up and lift up my chin. I'm ready.

I knock lightly on the door and step back. I hear footsteps approaching and a smile finds its way to my face.
The door opens and my stomach drops. So does my smile.

"Oh..." I can't contain the disappointment from showing. "Winifred." I force a smile.

I'm Your Enemy (Gilbert Blythe X OC)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें