A Mess

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Gilbert's POV.

I'm heading out of the bedroom and I get a glimpse of myself in the mirror. God, I look like a tornado hit me. Dark circles surround my eyes, hair is pointing every direction, I look like I just came out of a mental hospital.

"My god, look at you." Bash exclaims when he sees me walking into the kitchen. "You're gonna scare poor little Delly if you walk around the house looking like that."

"I didn't sleep very well."

"You've been saying that for the last few days, Blythe. What's gotten into you?" He looks me up and down, before pushing me down onto a chair, ready to give me some therapeutic talk.

"I'm fine." I tell him, yawning for the 50th time today.

"It's only been two days. Two days! You really can't spend two days without her?" He sits down beside me.

"It feels like two years." I lean my head forward against the table, hitting it with a thud. "...Ow."

"Listen, Blythe. Florence lives in Charlottetown now. If every time she leaves after a visit and you act like this, you're going to wind up all alone." When he says this, I look at him.

"You think I'm being... too obsessive?"

"That's not what I'm saying... but yeah, that's what I'm saying."

I slam my head back on the table with a whine. Maybe I am being a bit too obsessive. There are ways to fix that. Ways that I don't want to try out. For example: Distancing myself. That's easy option number 1. There's also forcing her to come and move back in. That's option number 2, which I will not do. That's it. Option 1 and 2. 

"You mean I should distance myself?"

"Every woman has her flaws and perfections. Every woman is different. Distancing yourself might be a solution, but that depends on who the woman is. You are the one who has to figure out if that's what Florence might want." He stands back up, grabbing a cup and pouring hot tea in it.

"I... I don't think that's something Florence might want. You don't think that maybe she likes me being a bit... obsessive?"

"I don't know your girl that well, Blythe."

I grab the cup of tea from his hand and take a sip. Should I distance myself?

Flora's POV.

I try to focus on the book in my hand, but get irritated easily.

"Come on, I'm right here. Stop making out." They ignore me and keep sticking each other's tongues down one another's throat. I throw the book right at Ale's head.

"Ow! Stop, you loca!" He throws the book back in my direction making it hit my chest, right where it hurt.

"Ugh! Estoy en el mismo dormitorio! Respeta mi presencia, Alejandro. Solo estoy tratando de leer un libro, pero ustedes dos siguen besándose!" I yell at him.

"Cariño, nadie te obliga a estar aquí. Solo déjame besarme con mi novio en paz!" He called out to me.

"This is so fun, guys. But do you know what would be even more fun? If I could understand what you two are saying." Cole chimes in.

"Eres un idiota!"

"Eres una perra!" He says back. I turn my back on him as I open up my book again, trying to ignore him.

"Okay, now tell me what you two were arguing about." Cole's voice booms over the silent room.

"We were just telling each other how much we love one another." Alejandro tells Cole with a smile on his face. Yes, this is how arguments were between me and Ale ever since we were kids. Especially when other people were around. Once we would start saying nasty things to one another, we would switch right to another language. 

But now that I share a bedroom with Cole, I'm always going to be here. And so is Ale. I'm going to have to get used to all the kissing and touching. Either that, or I live in agony.

Gilbert's POV.

"Man, it's Christmas tomorrow, you'll see her then." Bash tried to lift my limp body off the couch, but failed miserably. "Come on, Delly. Help me with Uncle Gilbert." My eyes were closed when I felt tiny, warm palms touch my face. And then a tiny, little mouth was kissing my cheek.

"Uncle Gilbert." It was a baby mumble, but I could make out my name in her baby gibberish. I open my eyes and find her staring right at me. She giggles when she sees my tired eyes. I smile at her.

"You look dead." Bash's comment makes my smile falter. "I know what'll get your mood up."

"Please, tell me." I sit up on the couch, bringing Delly onto my lap.

"You can do the dishes." He says. I immediately sigh, knowing that I won't get out of this one so easily.


"No buts."

"You don't even feel a little bad for me, huh?" I ask him.

"Not even a little bit." He lifts Delphine off of my lap. "You're a mess, Blythe."

"Yeah, I didn't notice." I say sarcastically as I head for the kitchen. The doorbell rings and I internally smile. "Saved by the bell." I mock Bash as I walk past him, to go open the door. As I open it, my heart skipped a beat. 

"I thought I might come early for Christmas. Especially since Cole and Alejandro won't stop making out." Florence stands in front of me with a smile gleaming on her face. Without thinking, I grab for her hand, pulling her closer and kissing her harshly. God, I needed this. I needed her. I pull away from her just to see her face again. Just to make sure she's really here. "You look..." She started off, trying to find the right words as she looked me up and down. "You look like you could use some sex."

I think so too. 

I'm Your Enemy (Gilbert Blythe X OC)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant