The Amazing Swimmer

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Flora's POV.
⚠️WARNING: Violence⚠️

"No." I back away. "No, no, no, no."

"Aren't you glad to see me?" Mr. Phillips smirks from behind the counter.

I want you dead.

I back away into Gilbert's chest. He doesn't say anything, he only grabs my wrist and pulls me away from the counter. The bar is empty, most people unpacking their luggage, making it just me, Gilbert and Mr. Phillips.

"Don't leave so early." Mr. Phillips starts filling up a glass with liquor before extending the glass to me.

I'm not falling for that again.

My heart's racing a million beats per minute. I thought it was over. I thought I had finally escaped him. But there he was, serving me whiskey just like that one day.

That one day he drugged me.

"Fuck off." Gilbert turns to him, a crease between his brows.

"Watch that mouth, boy." Mr. Phillips chuckles. "I never knew you to have a dirty mouth."

"Let's just get out of here." I tried pulling Gilbert away.

"You know what, no. No. I'm not leaving before I say a few things. I've been quiet long enough." His voice raises. Mr. Phillips doesn't let his smile falter as he walks from behind the counter, standing directly in front of Gilbert.

"Let's hear it." Mr. Phillips leans against the counter behind him.

"No. Gilbert, let's just go."

"Florence! This man hurt you. I can tolerate many things, but hurting you is one I will not stand."

"It's fine. It doesn't matter-"

"It does matter."

My eyes start to well up. Memories of things that I've been trying to forget for months start flooding back.

Mr. Phillips' smile finally falters from his face when he lays his eyes on me. He starts approaching and I freeze. My face turning cold. "Don't cry, my love." His thumb wipes over the tear running down my cheek, and a shiver runs down my spine at his touch.

Gilbert turns Mr. Phillips towards him, and before he can register the turn, Gilbert lands a strong fist to Mr. Phillips' jaw. My eyes widen when Mr. Phillips stumbles back, hitting the counter harshly. I've never seen Gilbert act like this.

"Don't. Fucking. Touch. Her." Gilbert snarls at him. Mr. Phillips laughs psychotically, massaging his jaw.

"Are you angry because I got in her pants before you?"

Gilbert couldn't contain himself from charging at Mr. Phillips. Just in time, I grabbed onto his arm, trying to hold him back. But my strength was nothing compared to his.

"Gilbert, Stop!" I contain a sob. "Please."

"What did you just say?" He grabs Mr. Phillips' shirt collar. Mr. Phillips does nothing. I've never known Gilbert to do something like this. He's such a caring person, and I've only described him as calm, but now, it's like something switched inside him.

"I said..." Mr. Phillips looks Gilbert dead in the eyes. "Are you angry because I got in her pants first?"

Mr. Phillips doesn't stop it when Gilbert swings his fist back at his nose, but one thing he does do is swing at Gilbert, punching his cheekbone. Gilbert falls to the ground, very out of it, but still trying to get up while Mr. Phillips stands over his body, kicking him lower to the ground.

"No!" I let a sob escape my throat. I can't just stand here. I move towards the counter, grabbing the Whiskey bottle and rushing my way to Gilbert and Mr. Phillips. I quickly swing the bottle at Mr. Phillips' head, making the bottle break into many tiny pieces. The liquid oozing down his face.

"You little slut." He turned to me, an expression of rage on his face. Blood dribbled down his forehead from a cut. He slowly made his way to me. I backed away into the corner, his body slowly getting closer. I panicked, my sobbing getting louder. 

"Please... don't." I lift my hands to shield my body from him.

"If you would've just kept your mouth shut..." He gripped onto my hair, yanking me to the ground. "Don't even lie. You liked every single second of me inside you."

Once again, he harshly gripped onto my hair and dragged me across the floor. I screamed in agony, scraching and hitting his hand, begging for release.

"Flora..." I heard Gilbert's weak voice on the ground. I saw his attempt to stand up, but he was too weak. Too frail.

Mr. Phillips dragged me across the floor, heading for the bar exit. I tried my best to escape his tight grip on my hair, but he used every bit of his strength to get me away from Gilbert. I grabbed the door frame, holding on for merely three seconds before he released my hair, and gripping my wrists instead.

"Please. Please stop. I'll do anything. Just... just let me get to him. Let me get to Gilbert." He stood me up. Now we were outside the bar. The ocean roared with angry waves. Waves that could swallow me whole. He pushed me against the railing, and my eyes were met with the stare of the deep, black sea.

"I love you." He tells me.

"You're a psychopath." I correct him, out of breath from trying to escape him.

"I'm in love with you."

"You raped me." I cry out.

"I'm obsessed with you. But you've ruined my life enough." He then presses himself against me, my stomach crushing against the railing. "Jump." He whispers. I freeze.



"I- I can't swim."


"Mr. Phi-"

"Either you jump." He starts. "Or I throw you." My hands start shaking, and I start sweating.

"Mr. Phillips, plea-" Before I'm even able to finish, he grabs me harshly and tries to lift me over the railing. I thrust my body in his grasp, but when he lets go of me, I feel my stomach sink when I free-fall about 40 feet and hit the sharp, cold water. I panic, trying to swim up, but the angry waves keep me below surface. I'm running out of time. I can't hold my breath for long. Once again, I try to reach the surface, but the waves are strong, swallowing me slowly.

But I stop. I stop trying. I accept it. Then maybe it'll hurt less. I don't hold in any longer, the salty water taking over my lungs as I sink deeper into the darkness of the sea.

Yes, I really just did that. I wanted to see y'all suffer and I thought this was the only way.

Anyway, this is it, guys. The end of I'm Your Enemy. But don't be so upset. I still got MANY stories for y'all. And to make it up to you, the first chapter of my Loki x Reader will be released later TODAY.

THANK YOU for your support through this story. I love y'all.


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