May I Speak With You?

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I am having lunch with Diana, Anne, Ruby and a few other girls. We are listening to Anne talk about her fantasy of princess Cordelia as we sit on the floor and eat.

"And she has soft raven black hair..." Anne describes her character and keeps up with the story. "Bautiful eyes that no other woman has." We other girls giggle at Anne's dreamy expression.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and Ruby, who sits beside me, gasps at the person behind me.

I turn around to find the tall boy.

"It's Florence, right?" I hear his voice.

"Yes..." I say, looking up at him. His hazel eyes look deep into mine. His brown, curly hair sits comfortably on his forehead, covering a little of his eyes. "Call me Flora."

"I'm Gilbert. Gilbert Blythe. It's nice to see a new face around here. Welcome to Avonlea." He says sweetly.

"Thank you... Gilbert." I feel his name slip out of my mouth in a way that makes me tingle. He smiles and walks away, but not before turning his eyes to me one last time.

"Oh... my... goodness." Speaks Ruby. "Gilbert Blythe just spoke to you." She says with her jaw hanging open. The other girls laugh at Ruby but my focus is still on the brunette boy sitting across the room. Gilbert. Gilbert. Gilbert Blythe. His name is still in my mind. The more I say it, the more my stomach tightens.

His soft-looking hair is fluffed with curls that bounce when he walks. His attire is simple but something that draws my attention. His eyes draw my attention. He draws my attention.

"Stop staring." Diana whispers in my ear. I immediately feel the heatness inside my cheeks.

"Are all of you going to aunt Josepine's gather up tomorrow?" Diana asks the group of girls.

"Will Gilbert be there?!" Ruby asks, hopefully.

"I do believe so." Says Diana. "Sebastian will also go, as well as his daughter, Delphine."

"Who's Sebastian?" I ask.

"You'll like him, Flora. He's a very kind man. Gilbert met him in a steamship a few months ago. They became close and they live together now. Sebastian had a wife but she died not too long ago."

"How devastating." I frown down at the floor.

"I heard Billy's going." Says Josie Pye, smiling.

"Wait...Billy?" I think I remember who that is. It's the blonde boy sitting with Gilbert. "You like Billy?" I ask.

"He's quite charming, isn't he?" She asks while looking over at him.

"I've seen better." I say honestly. Josie scoffs and covers her chest, crossing her arms with an evil smile.

"And who would that be?"

"That is only for me to know." I say smiling back. I look back at the boys and they're all gathered around a few tables by the window talking and staring at us, some of them winking over to a few of the girls only to make the females giggle and blush.

I see movement in another corner of the room and I turn my attention towards it.

"Who's that?" I ask, looking at the boy sitting on the floor with an ink pot and quill, writing something in a piece of parchment. "What is he writing?"

"He's not writing." Says Jane. "He's drawing."

"That's Cole. He's always alone in a corner with a quill in hand. That's just what he does. He doesn't bother to sit with the rest of the boys." Says Anne. "But he likes being with us girls. Cole, come here!!" She yelles over the classroom.

Cole jerks up from his spot and sits down with the rest of us.

"Aren't you the new girl?" He says, with a hand extended.

"Yes. Flora." I shake his hand.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. The boys were talking about you just now."

"What?" I look back at the boys but they are focused on their own conversation. "That's strange."

"Florence!" My name is called and I snap out of my daze. Mr. Phillips is in the doorway that leads to the other room. "May I speak to you?"

Oh no.

Speaking to Mr. Phillips privately is something i don't want to do. Having him around me has become trigguring.

I look around at the girls, but they seem expressionless. I get up from the floor, dusting off my dress and walking up to the professor.

"In here." He says as he points towards the room. I walk inside, feeling my stomach turn and my palms sweat. He closes the door and locks it.

"I'd like to speak to you about something..." He says as he sits down on a couch. "Sit."

I sit down and the agony starts.

I'm Your Enemy (Gilbert Blythe X OC)Where stories live. Discover now