First Customers

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Flora's POV.

The first thing I did after waking up was borrowing one of Daniela's dresses. I told the twins about what happened yesterday and they told me I was welcome to stay with them for as long as I needed. I slept in the spare room in their apartment which is above the café. There's enough space for all of us, the apartment is three stories high. Now I'm sitting on a stool behind the counter of the café, waiting for a customer to walk in. My apron was handed to me yesterday and a name tag was made for me. I clipped it to the apron, and honestly, it makes me feel important and interesting. The apron is plain and white, and it goes a little over the knees. As I'm distracted with the new apron, a figure walks in and speaks.

"Three full-length rye bread." A mature, feminine voice speaks coldly. I look up at the customer and find a woman surching for something in her tiny purse.

"Mrs. Barry." I speak out, unable to hold myself together. She looks up from her purse and her eyes widen in shock. She takes her time, processing the moment before her eyes.

"Florence." She looks me up and down. Her eyes land on my name tag. "Since when do you work here?"

"Since 10 minutes ago when we opened." I say. No emotions show through my voice.

"Well look at you, settling yourself for a job. Impressive." She says

"Thank you. Unlike some people, I don't need a husband to pay for my every meal. I work for mine." I say as I reach for the rye bread. I put three of them in a paper bag and put it on the counter. She scoffs at my comment, clearly offended by it. "That'll be 21 cents." I tell her.

"Well, I only have 20." She answers. I laugh at her responce.

"You have two children, a giant house, a rich husband and you are able to buy quite anything that you want. But you don't have 21 cents to pay for bread?" I smile at the weird fact. "Did you forget to ask for money from sugar daddy today?"

"Here's the 20." She says, completely ignoring my comment. She grabs the paper bag and starts to walk towards the door.

"Na-ah-ah." I shake my head. I reach the door before her and block it to prevent her from leaving without paying the rest.

"It's just one cent." She tries to convince me of letting her leave. Jeez, she's my first customer and it's already driving me insane.

"If it's just one cent than it's no big deal if you just hand it over, right? It's just one cent." I quote her. It seems to irritate her.

"I don't have it!" She raises her voice.

"No money, no bread." I snatch the paper bag from her, walking back to my stool unbothered. Her mouth gapes open as she watches me. The bell above the door jingles and my eyes narrow at the next customer who is also my former boyfriend. My heart clenches.

"Hey." I say, looking at his defined curls come closer. I curious smile spreads on his face when he notices me.

"You work here?" He asks. I nod. I wouldn't say that Gilbert and I are on bad terms. We aren't. We're just... confused. That's all.

"What can I get for you?" I asked him. His eyes didn't separate from mine when he ordered.

"Three rye, please."

I give him the bag that is already in my hands, since it is the same order as Mrs. Barrys'. He already knows how much it is, the money's already on the table. I take it and put it in the register. He smiles at me.

"Where are you staying?" He asks. I pointe to the ceiling.

"Here. With the twins. They're taking good care of me." I tell him. He leans onto the counter to listen to what I'm saying and I can't help but think about how extremely handsome he is. The way he listens and gets invested when I speak to him... it makes me feel heard, cared about, comforted and loved.

"That's good. Bash misses you. Delly too. And I do too." He reaches over the counter to grab my hand.

"So I'm really not getting that bread?" The feminine voice barges through my ears. I had totally forgotten about her.

"Fine. If I pay for the rest will you leave?" I ask her. Her expression softens.

"You would do that for me?" She says in an emotional tone.

"Oh please, don't go all soft on me. If paying for the bread will make you shut up and leave, then I'll do it." Without even waiting for a response, I shove three loaves of rye bread into a paper bag and hand it to her.

"Thank you. I really appreci-"

"Get out." I shove her out the door and close it. Gilbert still stands, leaning on the counter. A proud smile sits on his face. "What are you smiling at?" I ask as I walk towards him.

"You." He laughs. The joy in his voice gives me butterflies. The little, simple things make me love him that much more. "You're still as reckless as I remember you to be."

"Well, yeah. Not much has changed since yesterday." I joke. He laughs again. He doesn't want me to feel stupid, that's why he laughs at my lame jokes that nobody else laughs at. I appreciate him for that.

"Come visit Bash and Delly sometime. I'm sure they'll like it. As would I." He tells me. He moves closer to me, grabbing my hand, and laying his soft lips on them. He rises and takes the paper bag from the counter. He smiles and walks out the door. The feeling of his lips linger on my skin and my heart skips at the thought of his lips on me.

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