---- End of the Line! ---Mark Evans Prime AKA Thanatos

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A giant time wraith entered the time stream from the emergence of the big bang and flew right at me.

I found myself in the past with memories of the future. What is going on. I thought that I was in prison.

Where is Jimmy, Timmy, Steve, and Dustin. Heck Dustin barely got any screen time.

"Mark... Dinner's ready... It's frozen Mike's Pizza night"

I tried to use my Mist Lord powers of electricity, but nothing happened.

I fell down the stairs into Amy—my sister—she was invaded by parasites.

I had to be careful. She was one of them. I could not let on that I knew the truth.

She had blasted me with a railgun charged up with magnetic coils. She unsummoned the weapon within the span of ten heartbeats and shocked the hair off my head.

I was bald.

Why does she have powers, but I do not? I scratched my head, and the hair grew back.

"Aw man... I was hoping your regenerative healing wouldn't work for hair growth." She summoned a blade of sharpened plastic mixed with swirling mist and cut my left arm off above the elbow—it grew back instantaneously, and a new Mark Evans grew from the cast-off arm.

I did not feel any pain. Are my powers in flux. What is happening to me? My shock collar and everything I picked up the past few days is gone.

"It is I Mark Evans Zeta, please to meet your acquaintance, for I am you, a latest version with a new powerset. I have the power of energy transference, matter reconstitution and recombination. I also have transformations in the form of a multiplier state of awakening. I can also fuse multiple Mark Evans into one to have a new transformation in which every Mark works as one with all their abilities used together with the original Mark Prime as the controller of all the powers. I can also separate them on command because of using too much power so we can heal and regenerate."

"So, you're behind this. Where am I"

"You're in another timeline. You have merged with a doppelganger and got his powers—yours were so underwhelming that they disappeared. You now have his powers—minus the depressive attitude. And I do say that the powers are a significant improvement. You can call this a retcon to introduce more powerful characters than yourself. You need to start off from the very beginning with timeline shifting, regenerative healing, solid weapon manifestation, teleportation, electricity, transformation, and power absorption through timeline merges. Merge with my timeline I dare you...Hah-Hah-Hah—it no longer exists so you cannot ever get my powers as a failsafe to prevent my death. Time to enter the game. You will remember none of this and have a completely new personality every time you shift timelines. Each time you shift timelines—double time now—say that phrase for all eternity, you will become that person and gain his memories and powers. Until the prime world line is the only one left—then that too shall fall, against me, the destroyer of the multiverse."

Thanatos snapped his fingers.

I became intangible—time wraith.... What is that?

Chapter Fifty-One - Enter the Fourth Dimension

Mark Evans Prime – Time Wraith

I felt hazy. I was watching with a disembodied form. I was now a living time wraith—cursed to watch on as my body separated from myself, I was no longer a Mist Lord.

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