High Orc Evolutionary

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"Wake up!" Thump—Thump—Thump... "One-Mississippi-Two-Mississippi"

He coughed up the seas of the world—chained to the ground by a wooden spike, blood and bone, sinew, and ash.

The torrent of flame from the fiery blaze careened into Whyli-Kanhuthei Forest—the home turf of the Wen-beasts.

A bright orange skinned creature bit into his flesh—turning him irrevocably into an awakened one—the lord of vampire lords—the fire blooded dragon king reborn.

The sharp teeth and claws ravaged his body—they disintegrated atom by atom, its mission complete, the vampire's sacrifice was for naught—she merely brough the primordial being's eminence back into this world.

The reborn Fire Blooded Dragon King shall rise again.

"Me and you—we're the same." Max opened his eyes—memories surged through him.

Max had just finished the intro to Demon Chronicles.

His former friend Derek was staring at him—in a new guise, with a power all his own.

"I had to hide it from you for so long, you looked weak and stupid, but you got the game and beat the introduction. You are a freaking fire blooded dragon king—a mythical creature just like me. And we're both God level."

"What...." Max grew fangs and claws—a thirst for blood never happened, not this time. Fire shot out from holes in his palms, in the form of ignited blood.

Max grew and grew—to an immeasurable size—to the edge of the mountains plateau.

Ruby scales grew upon his skin—its form covered in flames. Wings grafted to his spine.

A tail sprouted, its barbed flailing tip upended the destroyed bus and wrenched free the disheveled students from their own entrapments.

Their freedom will be used as footholds for my salvation. Max willed himself to amass more power but there was a stopgap inside his wellspring of strength—a power limiter was in place, and he could not remove it no matter how hard he wretched and bellowed in despair.

"You! Let me feed on your essence!" Max commanded a teenage female.

"Perv" she flicked her wrist and revealed her true form—a Wen-Beast, Model Honey badger—a Ratel.

She twirled her left leg into a pivot—vaulted into a spring flip and clawed at Max's face till his head split in twain.

"Ah... Another useless one. All right Derek let us see who else got transformed in the ambush. Baiting everyone with game console clones was a clever idea. It's so cool how you were able to make artificial ones due to being an all-in-one computer hardware specialist, electrical engineer, console Modder, and software debugger." Kara shifted back and got a new pair of clothes from the underbelly of the coach bus parked a bit out in the clearing—full of Wen-beasts, all pining for some action— to turn more innocents for their cult of Beastmongers-Pariah.

"Dang it—so close. He had a fifty percent chance of survival. I'd bet my life against those odds." Derek snickered and shifted into his Wen-Pyre form—the ascended Wenwolf, a —expert in all lycanthropes.

Small bone fragments shot out of Derek's paw hollow and plastered Max from head to toe in Bonesteel to prevent any kind of regeneration—just in case he survived. Fire Blooded Dragon Kings were the enemy of White Bonesteel Vampire Dreadwolf Assassins —mutual companionship was heresy.

Demon Chronicles Book 2 Form Ability and Power --- The Instinct of KingsWhere stories live. Discover now