The Recon Time Flux: Return to the Future

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Chief Emmeth "Truther" Wonderweisz

"Have you made the correct calculations" I spoke to Thanatos, my superior- my one true lord.

'Yes Truther, success is assured. We evaluated meteorite rocks on...."

ZZZZZZZZZZZZOOOOOM CREAK BANG! A swirling tornado of rippling winds and lightning torn asunder the hearthfire of the world- it was now December Thirty-first, Two-thousand-nine-hundred-and-ninety-nine. Ten seconds to midnight— New Year's Eve.

The gargantuan being stirred to life- it was already too late- for I already have what I want- his genetic material, the behemoth meteor rocks' energy as a power source. Combined, they supercharge all known tech and appliances, even wood, and stone age, gear.

The complete Planet Earth was terraformed in a "cataclysmic eruption."

"I am The Director- I serve only one being- the head ruler of all things pure,"

"All hail Thanatos, all hail my master, all hail the one true lord." I bowed before Thanatos's towering frame, he beckoned his multitude of limbs to me- he grew more strength, power, fame- everything was his. He was omnipotent, omniscient, he was the strongest one there is.

The Blightwights stirred from within their nutrient vats, their shock inhibitor collars were implanted upon fetal creation.

They were hybrid beings composed of half human genetic material and the material from the meteorite's internal catatonic statuesque figure.

"Yes, my pretties- awaken- eat, devour, control- become the next level of beast creation- become the beastmen we want you to be" Dr. Fyra Blacksteel raised her tinted shades over her hair- she grinned.

"Mother.... Father. we need to do good....... urgh.... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

"SHUT-UP-SHUT-UP-SHUT-UP.... You were born to be bad. Do you get it, or not? There is no good in this world. Everyone is trash, no one has a purpose except to follow the rules- the maxim of Chaos and enlightenment- Thanatos I beseech thee. Show your grandchildren the light.

"From dust until dust, ashes to ashes, fires burning under the midnight sun— all shall be at peace— such is the will of Thanatos." Thanatos caressed the Metaverse with his many hands. A cacophony of sirens wailed—sending the downtrodden wights to the pits of the hell above waters, the living earth sea-—Sedearth, the second Earth in our solar system, populated by those infamously in exile.

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