Symbiote War -- Steve Ryan, Dustin Black

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Steve Ryan

I woke up in chains next to the annoying guy—Dustin Black—crazy strong but also a total jerkface.

I saw that a new female prisoner came aboard. She looked innocent enough.

"So, she got another one. Let me tell you, my story." I might as well if we are ever going to break out.

"" I finished my final push-up for the day and took a swig.

I wiped myself off then showered. And changed.

The news was on.

Bank Robbery...


I put on my costume. Nighttime patrol here I come.

I called Shawn—my squad mate who happens to be a girl.

"You saw the news"

"It's fake news. Get over it" her voice crackled. Electricity coursed through the phone. It shorted out.

She is strong.

"Go back to sleep—its 2 a.m."

"Nope—don't feel like it."

"Fine do whatever. See if I care."

Oh, she will care if it was the last thing I do!

I checked my watch—three-o-clock.

I flew into the night—soaring above the clouds with my basic gravity powers.

I saw two guys soaring above me—they had flames propelling them into the air from their feet and hands.

They had weird gooey things on their faces.

"All Hail Thanatos"

They blasted at me. I felt myself being beamed up into space.

"So, you want to party" a guard cloaked in black spoke with a muffled voice.

He placed cuffs on me—I could not use my powers. I felt useless.

"Next stop—Planet Earth. Now that we got someone from Polaris—we can add more to the collection." The guard shoved me into a cell block—I was all alone.

Part 2 – The Symbiote War

Dustin Black

A meteor crashed down from the beyond.

My room's glass window shattered.

The meteor revealed two black sludges.

All I could see was darkness. I was surrounded by an empty void.

"Sorry man but I'm taking over your body.

"Yeah, right get off me!" I ripped off the symbiote.

I felt my eyes close and began to dream.

I dreamt about the beginning of the symbiotes evolution into the current age.

With a resounding crackle of light, a meteor was seen hurtling through space. It was no ordinary meteor for it had life, alien in origin, symbiotic in nature.

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