Part Two - The Oracleblight of the End

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– Rise of the Timeline Shifters

The Rogue Time Lord

The Mummy Lizard – Mitch Conner Prime – Third Person – The Timestream

The sun was shining, but not for long as the remnants of the beta timeline became even more splintered as a rogue Time Lord appeared. It was Mitch Connor; he was in his usual ensemble. He had his Mummy Lizard guise. It was his actual tattered skin for now, at least until he molted. He was giving Mark Beta a hint, to save himself from being erased from this timeline, choices... yes that would be it, now he must pick the right choice, a choice so devious that it could save his life in the process. The remnants of the beta timeline would fuse with Mark Beta and could be fully restored if all went according to plan. All Mitch Connor needed to do was make his appearance and the rest would crackle like rock candy underfoot.

Mitch summoned Mark Beta and prepared to work his magic lizard touch.

"You've got to choose now stupid... Freak of nature! Your time is up in this worldline, Mark Beta. I have come to give you a message, to save you from its inherent destruction. Yes, I know that this is the beta timeline for I am a fourth dimensional being, a celestial time lord, but you can call me Dr. Mitch Connor from the Negative Prime World Line. I have come here to watch as this worldline fuses with the Alpha Timeline to become the Alpha-Beta, or Alphabet, Timeline. I am just one of the many time clones of the original Dr. Connor, known as the Beta Lizard, as I oversee the Beta World Line. Now, time to die!"

"I'm not scared of you, your stupid voice" Mark Beta whined pitifully, he unceremoniously put on his defunct fearless attitude. I use this one at school to stand up for myself and beat all that oppose me for I am the most impressive of them all even though I suck at fighting. I end up getting pummeled then fall unconscious before I head off to the nurse's office to be resuscitated upon inexcusable death. For I have died countless times due to my mysterious illness that has made me weak and frail. For I was born premature and never had a chance to grow till now. I grew but I was gangly. I lived yet it was a despicable life. In another earth, another place, and another time, a being that is like me is living a better one, a better life.

"What is your decision, make it now or be erased like the timeline as its smoldering embers begin to vanish from existence."

Multiple Timelines shall rise and fall, and the Prime Worldline shall begin anew.

A mouth appeared in the darkness; it was large with razor sharp teeth. It is oozing out bubble gum flavored fluoride toothpaste.

"Ha, I choose nothing, nor do I have any idea what this term "Multiple Timelines or Prime World Line" are anyways. So...... I'm going to beat you up instead" Mark Beta got his fists up. He was putting on a front. He was using his wheelchair as a steamroller. His spine was splintered from excessive damages and his hands were paralyzed, so really, he was using his feet. For some reason he could move them, but only when sitting or lying down.

"Like you have the power to beat me, I am more impressive than you, I am the Mummy Lizard, Master of impressive parties and great beverages and you are just the......."

"What did you say I was" Mark Beta felt like that voice did not say anything else; what is a Mummy Lizard, Master of impressive parties and great beverages anyway.

"I said you are the ..., I repeat the...... yes you are the...." The voice was incredibly quiet.

I could barely make it out.

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