The Book of Rudy - Mark Evans Zeta

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Mark Evans Zeta

I do not have much time—my body is failing. Need to make the switch NOW! "Protocol 666 Demon Chronicles activate"

You might be wondering why an eighty-five-year-old man with EVERYTHING—a full life—would want to cheat death. Sorry but that is not me—I am a twenty-nine-year-old supervillain who still lives with his parents.

NO! I am the protagonist of the story—not the eighty-five-year-old hero who sacrificed his life to end mine before anything even cool happened.

Life sucks, no friends, girlfriend dumped me on my birthday—the day I pulled my biggest heist—for her—a rose gold diamond necklace, only two were made in the entire world.

Spin back a couple of years and my life was perfect–I had everything. Why should the bad guy always lose? Why can't I ever catch a break? I do not want to die—I want to live forever, even if it is the last thing I do!

I just need to breathe... why cannot I breathe, oh look a purple giraffe is talking to me.

"La-La-La-La Rudy's world. Pick up the goldfish and tuna too that's Rudy's world! And now back to the show"

"Be quiet Gerard, I'm trying to think"

"Who is Gerard" Finn Termini took a sip of Bordeaux and rushed his gnarly, wrinkly, brown spotted elbow into my sternum. I could not breathe.

He ripped apart my chest and placed his hand on my heart—crystallizing it bit by bit. The wine chemicals of fermentation had furthered the power's drunken effect on me.

I was going into a coma—or was a coma going into me. Billy Bob—Gerard's ex-roommate and Stockholm syndrome lover—she was a Billy goat that had a boy's name, common misconception to Neanderthals such as Steven—the one frozen in my refrigerator from last night's dinner. That was good pork roast with a side of wooly mammoth.

Lights fading—green screen of death!

I need some sanity—King of wisdom hear me roar!

I jolted awake from one of my many lucid dreams that occurred during the mind transfer process.

I looked in the mirror to see signs of quick degradation—black ash was crumbling around me. A decay rate algorithm only gave me seventy-two hours before I die—no resets and I need to constantly check on my countdown watch.

I needed a better vessel—a physical person to give up their own mind with me replacing it. And I have three days to do it.

I walked the streets of New York, having finished the transfer upload, onto the street of Central and Maine, I searched with binoculars for the easy mark, someone with powers, anything will do, I can make it work.

"Make it or die—decide right away. Do you die now or die even faster—Mark Evans Zeta, a common name.

What an easy "Mark" He will be perfect.

Mark Zeta transformed into an ultimate form, it looked demonic.

He had crimson creamy white goo harden all over his skin, a hollow chest formed with a weird floating organ that totally was not a heart. He summoned floating longswords in a torrent.

"I am Mark Evans Zeta, AKA Thanatos—Destroyer of worlds. This timeline will fall like the rest."

This guy is off his rocker. I am not even that crazy. "Shut Up Steve. UH the Primal Fulcrum activate! I am the true PRIME!"

Demon Chronicles Book 2 Form Ability and Power --- The Instinct of KingsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora