Hometown Villain

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On another segment of Planet Earth, inside my old room, a replacement Kate slept. She opened her eyes.

All is going according to plan

Kate 's façade shifted, gone was the happy go lucky demeanor. Her truly stoic egoist personality began to shine through.

Kate peeled off her face she shed her skin like it was a carapace. She had been on this job for sixteen years as a female body snatcher. She was not going anywhere, not while she had this newfound power. She was a parasite that burrowed its way into a newborn who looked like Kate after an infestation at the hospital where her father worked. And Dr. Valentine had no idea that his daughter had been replaced.

Her former birth name was Alyssa, she rejected it. She was not a clone or original, no she was an imposter. She was Nyssa Terrance Number 2, the Second Sister.

Kate or should I say, Second Sister, was a Blightwight—An Acolyte to the Dark Lord Gojaxus Bane of the colony known as Bane Negative Prime in the Bacchus Bane Galaxy.

Kate, AKA Second Sister, was no puny human, she was a quadrant, one of many varieties of creatures in her race. A female organism formed of four parasites, with a hive mind. And she had become in control after all this time, now she had overpowered the old assimilation attempt on her by the parasite that was her sister, Nyssa Terrance Number One— First Sister— then she reverses assimilated and became the dark lord's master.

"You two work for me now, two of my parasitic selves have each burrowed inside your heads, you both will be under my control in three, two, one..."

The parasite's eggs hatched and began to eat at two girls who were next to her. She pretended it was a study group for mandarin class. The hatchlings gorged on the two female's brains, feasting on their flesh and energy. They began to grow and expand and swallowed the human girl teenage selves whole while keeping their forms intact. Only the skin remained, and the parasites lived underneath, ready to molt, peel off the skin, regrow it at a moment's notice for secrecy. The time of invasion of parasites was at hand. The war against the symbiotes has begun.

Second Sister regrew Alyssa's skin, she went down to eat breakfast with her two daughters following her. She named them Alexis Terrance and Alara Terrance. She fed them his knowledge through a mind meld and waited for their personalities to develop.

Alyssa decided to go back to high school, being a female that crossed the social barriers that was known as a high school football jock had its rewards. She had a parasitic army of cheerleaders at her disposal, more daughters under her command known as The Trixie's.

She was after all, Grey Mountain State's hometown hero.

Grey Mountain State was no ordinary high school, it was a breeding pool for the next generation of heroes and villains. Everyone here had some power to call their own.

Alysa was incognito by pretending she was an Esper, with her having the abilities of a telepath and telekinetic amongst other powers like teleportation, flight, and strength augmentation. She was in the Omega class rank for what people thought was telekinesis which had so much power that it evolved and gave her multiple variant abilities that were just mentioned. In truth her omega level of power stemmed from her parasitic self. She was a parasite with the omega power that can absorb any sort of power or creature into herself then make it her own. She could even fuse powers and forms together just like the real Kate. Second Sister sought out this power for herself.

Second Sister laughed as she ate the entire essence of her former master Gojaxus Bane from within Pangea. She became much more than a parasite. She became an Ultimorph, also known as an Ultimate-Transmorph. She was a being with ultimate powers who can shapeshift and use other powers in different forms at will, or a version with all powers—her Ultimate Morph, for when she really needs to dish out pain. She was the next progenitor of evil. She was known as Dark Mistress Omega Ultimorph, master of all, slave to none.

Second Sister decided to make more children of herself with fragments of her own surplus of disposable quantum energy, to keep eyes on the real Kate who was with Raquel. Yes, she was unknowingly the original, only Second Sister knew the truth. Everyone else now assumed that "Kate" was a clone. 

Demon Chronicles Book 2 Form Ability and Power --- The Instinct of KingsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora