::FoolishG x Male! Reader::

Start from the beginning

"Good thing the clerk didn't question you enough to not letting you get some" Karl said as he took a bottle for himself and passed the others around. I reached for my front pockets of my jeans and got my bottle opener. Foolish rose up to his feet and put a hand out for me to not open my bottle just yet. "allow me to show you all my magic trick" Foolish said as he walked over to Karl's dresser and placed the bottle in an angle. He then, slammed his hand down on the cap of the bottle as it busted open, sending the cap flying. "Foolish! Karl's parents are here" Sapnap said yet still intrigued by the force he just saw from the man before him. "its cool, they are some heavy sleepers I gotta say" Karl said with a smile as he stood to pass his bottle to Foolish to have him do the same. I stood and followed a suit wanting to see Foolish show off his strength for once.

Foolish is buff and strong, it can be seen from a mile away. Yet, he doesn't like to show it a lot for unknown reasons. Whenever he does, we all stare like deer stuck in headlights by how impressive he is. We all went back into the original circle and sat chatting about random things that we have done for the past week. "oh! I passed my English test" Sapnap said as we all congratulated him. "See? I told you! You just have to believe in yourself" I told sapnap as I gave his shoulder a soft pat. "And actually pay attention in class instead of playing mobile League of Legends for once" Punz said coughing in between his sentence as in to cover up what he just said. "screw you, you know its addicting" Sapnap stuck his tongue out at Punz, who which flicked him off. Suddenly, Karl stood up and took a big swig from his bottle and threw his arms towards the ceiling. "I propose we play a game" Karl said with a slight hiccup. I've known these guys my whole life so seeing which type of drunk each of them were from the very first time we all collectively gotten drunk was a field trip.

Karl and Sapnap both get very unpredictable like impulsive and very shameless. Punz on the other hand, gets lethargic and sleepy. Foolish doesn't get drunk very often so I'm still not sure on what type he is. Me on the other hand, I get very warm and very bothered so I tend to not go overboard especially if I'm around others. "game? what do you suggest Karl?" Sapnap stood up to stand next to him as he immediately felt like falling. Karl began to giggle and clung into sapnap to catch himself from falling. He took another swig and sighed. "Truth or dare!" Karl shouted softly as he finished his bottle completely and placed his glass bottle on his bed not caring if it left any residue. "That'll be fun!" Foolish said as he placed his mild empty bottle onto Karl's dresser to avoid it being dropped accidentally. "Punz are you going to play?" I turned to Punz but was met with a snoring blond man that still had slight marks of sharpie he couldn't completely remove. I clicked my tongue as I stood up and walked over to get Karl's blanket and covered Punz up and threw away his bottle for him. "I'll play too, it would be too boring if its just you three" I said as Karl smiled and threw himself against me. "YAY! Okay, I'll start. Foolish, truth or dare?" Karl asked as he fell down to his knees and giggled by the impact. We all followed as well and got back to our small circle. "hmm...Truth!" Foolish said with a smirk as Karl thought for a second. "You never told us why your truck was totaled that one time?" Foolish's face immediately flushed in embarrassment making Karl giggle menacingly. "Its too embarrassing though!" Karl rose his finger and wagged side to side as in to say no. "nuh uh! You chose truth so chop chop!".

Foolish mumbled quietly and placed his hands on his lap quietly. "I was coming from school and it was the very first few weeks of having my license. I wanted to be adventurous as Karl would say and got a coffee from starbucks" Foolish began telling his story as we all stared at him confusingly. "Coffee? What's that gotta do with completely destroying your truck?" Sapnap asked as he gave a soft yawn. "I'm getting to it geez! Anyways, I ordered my coffee and as I was leaving the drive thru, I slammed on my breaks because I took a sip from my extremely hot coffee making a car that was coming from the entrance way crash right into my right side, taking me across the parking lot" Foolish said as we all stared at him in shock. "Did you get hurt?" I asked as Foolish looked at me and rose his left arm and turned. A soft line of scar ran from his elbow up to the top of his shoulder. "It was from the impact on my driver's window since I was thrown quite harshly" Foolish said as Karl leaned forward to get a better look at it. "Damn, now I feel bad for making fun of you for your truck" Karl said biting his lip. "nah don't be! That piece of junk was going to give out anyway. I'm rocking with my jeep now!" Foolish said with a chuckle.

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