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We finally arrive back at the school. Me and Bakugou were both completely silent the whole rest of the way. I've never seen him like this before. I've never felt so unmanly in my life. This is all my fault that this happened. I should have just stayed quiet. We walk up the steps to the school slowly and Bakugou's facial expression is dark. I wish I could do something, but I can't. We're trapped. We walk inside and we see everyone look over at us.
"Bakugou! Kirishima!" They yell. They come running towards us.
"Where were you?"
"What happened?"
"We heard what happened to Kirishima!"
"Are you guys okay?"
Everyone asks a lot of questions at once. Me and Bakugou stay silent. They finally quiet down after a while.
"You... you guys don't seem the same." Says Mina.
"Yeah... the expressions on your faces are-"
"Just shut up." Says Bakugou in a low voice. In puts his hands in his pockets and walks away towards his room. We watch him walk away.
"What happened to make you guys like this?" Asks Midoriya. I look at him and then back down at my feet.
"It's nothing to worry about." I say.
"Is it something between you and Bakugou?" Asks Denki. I look at him sadly and then shake my head slightly. I walk away towards my room. I can't tell them anything. I have no idea if we even have cameras on us anywhere or not. Even if I didn't, I wouldn't tell anyone a thing anyway.
I step into my room and shut the door behind me. I walk towards my bed and sit down. I wonder what Bakugou's thinking right now. Hopefully he's not trying to take that thing off, because that would obviously end really bad. He's probably mad at me right now. I'm the one that caused this to happen, anyway. I wonder if there's a way for us to beat them. Maybe we could get this thing off of our backs somehow without it activating. I guess I'll think about that during the night, because I know that I won't be able to sleep. I lay down in my bed and stare up at the ceiling.

I only slept for about an hour. I wake back up at 7:00 AM. I sit up with my back sore from the hard, medal pad on my back. I instantly have the urge to go check on Bakugou. I get up out of bed and walk out of my room. I look around for Bakugou, but I don't see him. He must still be asleep or something, or maybe he just doesn't wanna come out. Which, I understand that. Most of the stress that he's been having is all because of me. What am I doing to him? I'm ruining everything. Now I'm causing... deaths. I'm no hero... I'm just like them. A villain. I'm just helping them out in their horrible plan, and so is Bakugou.
"You don't need to know anything!" I hear in the distance. I walk towards the voice and see Bakugou and Midoriya outside. I get behind something and listen to them.
"I saw the expressions you guys had. Something really bad must have happened!" Says Midoriya.
"That's none of your business, idiot!" Bakugou yells at him.
"Was it with villains? I can help you!"
"I'm gonna find out what happened, one way or another!"
Bakugou grabs Midoriya by the collar of his shirt and lifts him towards him. "IF YOU DON'T SHUT UP I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" I see the surprised expression on Bakugou's face. I know exactly why. He grunts and throws Midoriya down to the ground. They go silent.
"Just meet me and Kirishima in the front of the school at 5 pm, dumb ass. I need to show you something." Says Bakugou. He walks away and Midoriya stands up, watching him with a worried look on his face. I sigh and walk back. Without noticing, I walk right in the direction that Bakugou walked in. I look up and see Bakugou walking my way. We both notice each other and stop walking, standing a few feet away from each other. We stare at each other, not saying a word.
"Front of school. 5 pm." He says. He walks towards me to get back to his room, but I stop him. We look at each other.
"Are... we over?" I ask slowly. We stare at each other. He leans in slowly towards me. Surprisingly... he kisses me. I put my hands on his shoulders and we kiss. Everything in my mind disappears for a little bit. After a while, we stop kissing and look at each other. I smile and hug him. I open my eyes and spot Midoriya hiding behind a wall watching us, smiling. But I don't care. At least he knows that we're... okay towards each other. Midoriya walks away and I pull away from Bakugou.
"I'm sorry for what I've done... I've never felt so unmanly in my life. I'm so sorry." I say.
"It's not you, idiot. It's them." He says. "They're the ones that started all of this. Those pricks just never back down."
"Well, we shouldn't, either. We should come up with a plan to get out of these and bring them down!"
"Yeah, right. There's no way we can get out of these without dying. We're screwed."
We look down to our feet, disappointed. We have nothing in mind of what we could do. I look up at him.
"Let's just do what they say. Maybe then, something will happen and everything will be fine." I say.
"Whatever." He says. He starts walking away, but then stops. "I... I love you, dumbass."
I smile. "I love you too." I watch him walk away towards his room. I sigh of relief.

Hours go by. It's now 4:30 pm. I've been getting more nervous every minute that has went by. I go outside early to the front of the school for some fresh air. As I walk out, I see Bakugou already standing there. He's looking down at the ground with a sad-mad look on his face. His arms are crossed and I can see his hand gripping hard on his skin. I walk towards him slowly.
"Hey." I say. He looks up at me quickly and his face goes back to that frown. He doesn't respond and looks back down at the ground. I stand beside him.
      "We don't have to do this right now, Bakugou." I say.
      "So we're supposed to do it at 9:59?" He says, sarcastic.
      "No. I just mean... we can do it at like 8 or something instead of right now."
      "I just wanna get it over with." We go silent for a minute.
      "I feel like we should just tell everyone what's going on." I say. "Then when we get there, they can all do something."
      "Bad idea." He says. "Could be something on us. Like a small camera or something. They can probably hear everything we're saying right now."
      I sigh. That could be true. We're pretty much just screwed. I lean my head against the wall and stare in the distance. "I'd... I'd rather just die myself then do what we're about to do." I see Bakugou turn and look at me out of the corner of my eye. We don't say a word. He shakes his head.
      "Tch, whatever." He says. I look at him.
      "What do you mean, whatever?"
      "I just mean, whatever. I don't give a shit about anything right now. I don't even care if they kill me."
      I start feeling angry. I walk over in front of Bakugou, harden my arm and hand, and punch the wall right beside his head. He looks at me, surprised. We don't say anything. We just stare at each other. I can feel my eyes fill up with tears.
      "We can't be saying these things..." I say. "Midoriya and All Might... they're most likely gonna die tonight! And we can't do anything about it!"
      Apparently what I just said made something in Bakugou's mind click. It's all coming to him now... his favorite hero and his childhood friend is about to be out of his life. Forever. He looks down at the ground, looking like he's about to cry, but he holds it back. He pushes me away and clenches his hands into fists.
      "Whatever! Let's just change the time to 7:30!" He yells. He stomps away quickly, back to the dorm rooms. I lean against the wall and bang my head back. Why does it have to be like this? I'm sorry, Bakugou. I'm sorry for everything.

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