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      I watch the door close. I sit there in silence. What was just happening to me? I have no idea why I chose to tell him my problems. I felt different. I can't believe I'm saying this... but maybe I can trust him. He doesn't seem like the type of person to share secrets.
      I lay in my bed. It's been an hour since he was in here. I can't get to sleep. I start thinking about everything I said to him. Tch, whatever. It's not that big of a deal. We're both gonna forget about all of this tomorrow. I close my eyes, imagining me being the best hero there ever was. I eventually fall asleep.

      I wake up later then usual. I manage to get up and walk out of the room. Everyone is up and has their gym clothes on. What the hell? Why didn't anybody tell me that we were doing something today?
      "Hey, sleepy head!" Says Kirishima as he walks over to me.
      "What the hell are we doing today?" I ask.
      "Oh, well, Mr. Aizawa said that today is gonna be like a game day. It's not like a whole school thing, but it'll be fun!"
      A game day? Really? How pathetic. I want it to be fighting.
      "Is there any fighting involved? If not, then I'm not participating in shit." I say.
      "Oh, there are plenty of games with fighting." He says. "You can prove that you're the best without trying to blow peoples heads off, haha."
      "Pfft, whatever." I say. "I'll beat all these losers in every game there is!"
      "Yeah man, that's more like it! Now go get ready so we can go!"
      "Yeah yeah, don't tell me what to do, shitty hair." I walk back into my room and grab my gym clothes.

      "Alright," says Mr. Aizawa. "You can play any games you want, like the ones from the UA festival. You can even have battles, I don't care. Just don't bother me, I'm gonna go nap."
      I roll my eyes. He's so lazy. He should be more energetic as a teacher. But whatever, I don't give a shit. All I care about right now is winning.
"Hey everyone!" Yells Ochako Uraraka. "We should do the Cavarly Battle!"
That game? The game that I lost to? This is perfect. I get to earn what I deserve. I AM going to win this time. Everyone starts agreeing with the suggestion. Looks like we're picking our team now.
Of course, shitty hair runs up to me.
"Hey, teammate!" He puts his arm around me. I push him off.
"There's no way I'm teaming with you again! I lost because of you!" I yell at him.
"Oh come on dude," he says. "We can pick different people to team with us this time!"
"NO!" I yell.
"Please?" He says. He's doing the stupid puppy eyes look. I roll my eyes and clench my hands into fists.
"FINE!" I say angrily. "But we are not picking the same people again!"
His face brightens up. "Awesome! Thanks, man!" He says. I glare at him and we walk off, looking for people to team with.
"How about we pick the people that won last time?" He says.
"Are you an idiot? I'm not teaming up with that icy hot!" I say. There is no way I'm ever teaming up with him. My goal is to beat him in this game, not team up with him.
"It doesn't have to be him. It can be Denki and Iida." He says. "Iida is pretty fast, he would help a lot."
I think about it. "Tch, whatever. We could probably do four eyes." I say. "I just don't want dunce face on our team after that dumb ass thing he did!"
"Yeah, I kinda agree with that I guess." He says. "What about Yaoyorozu? Her quirk might help too."
I think about what our team would be like. Me on top, then Kirishima, Iida, and Yaoyorozu on the bottom. Their quirks might actually help me win.
"Fine. Let's just go grab those idiots." I say. Shitty hair smiles and we walk over to them.
"Hey guys!" Says Kirishima. "Wanna be on our team?"
I look away, acting like I didn't agree to this. Yaoyorozu looks at me.
"Wow," she says. "I didn't expect to be asked to be on Bakugou's team."
"Whatever. Will you just join so I can win!?" I say angrily. Iida looks at me.
"Oh, so that's why?" He asks. "Just so you can win?" He crosses his arms.
The three of them are looking at me. I cross my arms and glare at them. I groan.
"Okay fine, so we can win! You idiots are so annoying!" I say, annoyed.
      They grin. "Okay, then let's do it!" Says Yaoyorozu. We all get together and the game begins.

                                                                                 . . .

      "YES!" I yell. "I BEAT ALL OF YOU LOSERS!" Some of them just start clapping and some of them roll their eyes. Hah, they can't get enough of me. My teammates cheer and high five each other. It's the end of the time to be outside.
       Everyone walks back to the building. Kirishima walks beside me.
      "Good job, dude!" He says. "I told you we would win this time!"
      I smirk. "Hah, of course we did. There was no doubt."
      We go silent. I realize that we're almost in the back of everyone else. I get a little annoyed, but I don't care as much as I thought I would.
      As we walk, I feel a small, quick brush on my hand. I look down and Kirishima's hand is close to mine. I look at him and he's looking in the opposite direction. It looks like his face is red. I feel another brush on my hand and I look down. Is he.. trying to hold my hand? My face starts getting warm. I want to pull away, but I don't. My mind wants do, but my body doesn't. His finger gets on my hand. I look at him quickly and then in the opposite direction. He's still looking away. His face is still red and he looks really nervous. Finally, his hand gets on mine. We're holding hands now. I start feeling all kinds of emotions. Angry. Annoyed. Nervous. My face is burning up and I frown. I've never felt like this before. I turn my eyes to look at him and he's looking at me. He looks nervous. I look back at him. Then, I roll my eyes and look away again.

      We walk for a while in silence. Holding hands. Finally, Kirishima looks at me and starts talking to me. Like nothing is happening. I act the same way.

      We finally make it back inside

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      We finally make it back inside. The walk back felt like it lasted years. Our hands break apart when we step in. We walk back to the dorms and we make it up to mine.
      "Hey.." says Kirishima. I turn around and look at him. "I'm sorry about that.. I should have asked or something. That was awkward.."
      I glare at him. His hand is behind his head and his face is red.
      "Tch, whatever." I say. We're both standing there. Faces red, looking like idiots. I look to the side and see people walking in our direction. Without thinking, I grab Kirishima and pull him inside my room and shut the door.
      "Woah, why did you do that?" He asks, surprised. I realize that I don't have a good reason. I get angry.
      "No reason!" I say. I sit down on my bed. He stands there and looks at me. Then, he walks over and sits beside me. We sit there saying nothing for a while.
      "Do you feel like... that there's something weird going on?" He asks. I look at him.
      "What do you mean?" I ask, knowing what he means.
      "I just... nothing." He says. He looks away from me.
      "What?" I say. He keeps his head turned, looking away from me.
      "I just.. feel like it's starting to get... awkward. Between us." He says, face turning red. I can tell that we knows, because he turns his head more to the side.
      "Tch, yeah. Whatever." I actually have no idea what to say. I don't feel as strong as I normally do. I get angry. I grab my pillow beside me and throw it. I hit something high and it starts falling right in Kirishima's direction. He jumps and dodges it. But, there's one problem.
      He lands right on me.
      I'm leaning back now. My eyes widen, and so does his. He's right over me. Faces close. His leg is right in between my legs. My face is burning hot. I'm speechless.

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