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      Talk to him? About what? That dumb ass kiss that almost happened? I don't even know what I wanna say. I just feel like talking about it will get all this shit out of the way. All we have to do is just act like it NEVER happened. Go back to being normal friends.
      I've been ignoring him the whole day. Why the hell would we just act like nothing happened? I think he's been avoiding me too. He usually comes up to me a lot, but today he didn't at all. Makes sense, since he's the one that tried to kiss me. Wow. The more I think about that, the more I feel differently about him. I have no idea what this feeling is, but I hate it. I still can't believe that he tried to kiss me. What best friend does that? I wonder what would have happened if I let him do it. Tch, whatever.
      It's been on my mind ever since that night. It's constantly playing on loop in my head. I can't focus on anything, not even fighting the extras. I get annoyed by it and it makes me even angrier. I start getting to the point where I have no idea what to do. Do I just avoid him for a couple days or something? That wouldn't be easy. It would be be awkward all the time and people will start wondering why we never talk anymore. Then, they'll start asking questions. Then, it'll just end with the extras being dead because I'll kill them for even asking.

      We're having a little training day. Just working out and crap. That night is still in my head. As we're working out, I see Kirishima get up and walk inside. Without thinking, I get up and start walking inside too.
      Once at get in there, I start searching for Kirishima. I finally hear someone filling a cup with water. I walk to the kitchen and see him.
      "Shitty hair. We need to have a talk." I say. Wait, what did I just do? I have no idea what I even wanna talk about! Great, I just made things even worse. What the hell do I do now? I don't even see him look up. He just stands there frozen. Finally, he lifts his head up slowly and looks at me, surprised. His face is red. He must be scared and embarrassed or whatever.
"Oh... alright." He says nervously. He puts down his cup of water and I start walking. He walks up towards me and walks beside me, a little far.
We walk outside in the back of the building. We didn't say a word on our way there. We stand there and stare off into the distance.
He turns and looks at me. "Look... I'm-"
"Don't even say it." I say. "I know what you're about to say. I don't care."
Another short time of silence. Finally, he speaks again.
"I just don't know what got into me last night," he says. "But don't worry. It won't happen again, I promise."
Something about that sentence makes me even more mad. I don't know why... but maybe I do know. I just don't even wanna think it or admit it.
"Whatever." I say angrily.
"Why did you push me away?" He asks. I look at him with a glare. Shouldn't it be obvious?
"Because I didn't want to kiss you, dumb ass!" I yell. The kiss you part made my stomach turn a little. Or what do they call it? Butterflies in your stomach or whatever?
We look at each other for a minute, then I look away. We stay silent.
"Or..." he says slowly. "Is it... for another reason?"
I look at him. "What the hell do you mean?"
"I mean like... were you embarrassed?"
"Embarrassed?" I snap at him. "I wasn't embarrassed, idiot! I was just nervous!"
Why the hell did that slip out? I wasn't even thinking that! My eyes widen and I feel a flush of red on my face.
"You... you were nervous?" He asks. I turn to him with a deadly glare on my face.
      "NO!" I snap. "I didn't mean that, retard!"
      "Bakugou... it's okay to be nervous sometimes. Especially after I... did that." He turns away from me.
      "Well... I wasn't nervous!" I say.
      "You hesitated." He says, having a playful smile on his face.
      "Shut up, dumb ass!" I yell. He chuckles and we fall into another silence. Why do we always have a stupid awkward silence? It's annoying. It used to not feel awkward at all, but obviously something changed.
      "Bakugou..." says Kirishima. He sounds a little hesitant. "Can I.. just tell you something?"
      I clench my hands into fists and turn my head away from him. "What?"
      "You... know the reason I tried to.. kiss you.. right?" He says slowly. Oh, I know why. I know exactly why. But I don't even wanna say it.
      "Tch, why?" I ask, still looking away.
      "It's because... I.." He stops. He doesn't have the guts to say it. "You know what? How about we just head back? It's not that important." He lets out a nervous giggle and goes to walk away. Instead, I grab him by the shirt and turn him around. I grip on to the collar of his shirt and he's facing me.
      "Why did you try to kiss me, shitty hair?" I ask in a demanding tone. He stares at me with a terrified look on his face. His face starts turning red.
      "Well... a-are you sure you wanna know?" He asks, sounding desperate. I stare at him in the eyes.
      "Just tell me!" I yell.
      "Okay, fine! It's.. it's because I like you." He says, looking away from me. Even though I knew it, I'm still shocked. I let go of him and he takes a step back. He looks down with a little frown on his flushed face.
      "You... what?" I say. I can tell that my face is really red.
      "I know, you probably don't feel the same. I'm sorry. I know you just wanna be friends. We can just forget that any of this ever happened." He says. I glare at him.
      "Tch, of course! I don't wanna be with you! It's not like... I like you or anything!" I say. It sounds way too obvious. What the hell do I do?
      He looks up at me. Our eyes are glued. He slowly walks closer to me and he grabs me by the collar of my shirt, pulling me close to his face.
      "Do you like me?" He asks. My eyes widen. What the hell has gotten into him!? I wanna blow him up into pieces right now, but I seem to be stuck in place. I feel frozen, like my body doesn't wanna move. I just stare at him with a surprised look on my face.
      "What the hell are you doing, dumb ass!?" I say. A small grin forms on his face and he looks down at my lips.
      "I'm just seeing if you like me back, Bakugou." He says in a deep voice. I don't know what to do. I just glare at him.
      He pulls me closer to him and our lips are almost touching. My heart starts racing. I feel a little different then I did before. My mind is empty. There is nothing going through my head. I close my eyes.

      We kiss.

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