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      What the hell even was that? Who would even edit me like that? I don't know why dunce face would even do that. Shitty hair isn't gay, and neither am I. I'm gonna kill all of them when I see them.
      "Hey Kacchan!" Deku comes walking up to me. "Did you uh.. see what Kirishima had on his phone?"
      What an idiot. Kirishima probably didn't even want me to know, of course. If I didn't know, I would definitely know now because of this dumb ass. "Yeah, I saw it. Don't even say anything about it, dumb ass!"
      "Don't worry, I won't!" He lets out a nervous laugh. He probably thinks that shitty hair likes me or something. Wait, why am I even thinking that? Of course he doesn't! Deku is just messing with my mind.
      "Don't go around telling everyone! It's not that big of a deal!" I shove him out of the way and stomp off. He's so annoying. I'm just gonna forget that any of this even happened.

      I'm sitting on my bed. I look up at the door like I'm expecting someone to walk in. I start thinking about someone that I can't get out of my head. It was only one little prank that they did on him. Why is it on my mind? I'm just being stupid. They are probably gonna start teasing us all the time. But who cares? That doesn't bother me. I can easily take them out.
      I hear a knock on my door and I look at it. I guess I was expecting someone.
      "Bakugou? It's Kirishima. Can I come in?"
      Oh great. What does he want? "Yeah, whatever." I yell. He opens the door and walks in, almost looking like he just regretted what he just did. He shuts the door behind him and looks at me.
      "So.." he says nervously. "About that.. photo.."
      I glare at him. He's not looking at me. This is kind of strange. Why would he be so nervous over this? "Yeah, it was stupid. Did Denki and Mineta really do that or was it you, shitty hair?"
      He looks at me. "It was them, I promise." He says. "I remember what I was doing and I know I definitely didn't do this."
      He seems serious. I roll my eyes. "Whatever. I'm gonna kill them when I see them next time!"
      "Yeah, I wanted to kill them too." He chuckles. "It was pretty stupid. I'll definitely change my phone password."
      "What even made them do that?" I ask.
      "It was the magazine's they showed me. I guess they thought I wasn't into girls or something. Which I obviously am! I am manly, of course."
      I start feeling a little angrier then I usually am. I have no idea why. "Yeah, I'm into girls too, but not that!"
      He chuckles. He looks at me, getting that nervous look on his face again. He walks over to me slowly and sits down beside me on my bed. I back away a little. What the hell is he doing?
      "I have a question." He says, looking away from me. "We never really hang out much... so I thought it would be fun to go do something together."
      This is sounding more like something else. Why would I want to hang out with him? There's no way!
      "Tch, there's nothing to even do!" I say. "Why would I wanna hang out with you, anyway?"
      He starts looking a little disappointed. "Well, there is different things we can do. Even just going out to eat or something." He realizes how that sentence sounded and he tenses up. "I-I mean.. it's not like a date or anything! I-It's just a hang out!"
"I definitely don't wanna hang out with you now!" I scream. He's making everything sound too weird!
He sighs. "Okay, I have a better idea then. How about a fighting match?"
Okay, that sounds a lot better. I would beat him anyway, so this would help my anger right now. "Sure, whatever. Outside tomorrow at 8:00 am." I say.
His face brightens up. "Okay!" He's exited to be beaten by me. What a loser.
We sit there in silence. Not even looking at each other.
"You can get out now." I say. He stands up. "Alright!" He says. "I'll see you tomorrow then!"
He walks towards the door and opens it. "Don't be late!" I yell.
"I won't." He says. He grins at me and walks out quickly.

. . .

It's 6:00 in the morning. I wake up from my alarm and shut it off angrily. I grab my shirt beside me and throw it on. I feel exited to fight Kirishima. It's because I know that I'll win. If I can beat Deku then I can definitely beat Kirishima, which I have beat him before. This is gonna be an easy fight.

I walk out of my room. I see a lot of people talking with Kirishima. Did something happen? It's not like I care, anyway. I still walk over curiously to see what's going on.
"What are you idiots doing?" I ask. They all look at me.
"You and Kirishima are going to fight against each other?" Asks Mina. Wow. Does everyone have to know about what me and Kirishima are doing at all times? This is annoying.
"Yeah, so? Why do you dumb asses care?" I glare over at Kirishima. He looks at me curiously. I grab him by the shirt and drag him somewhere private.
"What are you doing?" He asks.
"Why do you have to tell everyone about what we do?" I ask angrily.
"What do you mean? Is it a bad thing?"
"Well it's annoying to have everyone up in our business."
"Well, they get curious. So I tell them. It's okay, they won't be there or anything. It will just be me and you."
Me and him? What does that mean? I end up taking it the wrong away and I can feel my face getting slightly warm. What is happening to me? I look away from him.
"Whatever, shitty hair!" I yell. I walk away, not quickly because I don't want it to seem like I'm running away. Which I'm not! I know what he means. My stupid brain just took it differently.

Good thing it'll just be me and him and not all those other animals watching. It'll be embarrassing for him to have everyone see him fail.

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