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I stand there. Confused and surprised about what just happened. Why were they making dirty jokes about me? Maybe they were talking about me? I'm not sure. And of course, my face was hot that whole time, and it still is. I think I saw Bakugou's face red, too. What is... happening between us? I feel like something is changing. I'm feeling something that I haven't felt before. I walk over to the mirror and look at myself. My face is still red. I close my eyes and try to clear my mind. I open my eyes, take a deep breath, and walk out.
As I'm walking, I hear Denki in the distance. He's in his stupid form. I know that Bakugou obviously did it.
"Hey Kirishima!" Says Mina Ashido. "I just watch Bakugou beat up Denki and make him go in his stupid form."
"Oh yeah, I wonder why." I say, making it sound obvious that I do know why.
"Well Denki told me that he was making jokes about you and Bakugou. Do you two like each other?" She says.
My face gets hot again. "What? O-Of course we don't! We're just friends."
"Aw, that's a shame. You two would be really cute together!" She says. She skips away. I stand there, surprised. Me and Bakugou? Together? Images of me and him together start playing through my mind. I know that my face is visibly red. I try to get the images out of my head and I walk off, acting like nothing just happened.

. . .

It's the evening now. I walk in the direction of my room so I can relax and get all the things that happened today out of my mind. Everything will be fine. None of this will ever happen again.
I walk by Bakugou's room. I stop and take a few steps back to the door. It's slightly cracked open again. Why is his door always cracked? Maybe he doesn't shut it hard enough, which is surprising.
I know I said that I would never do this again, but my instincts kick in and it makes me really wanna do it. I won't see anything bad or weird anyway.. right? I get a little worried. I take a deep breath and slowly move my head to peek in the crack. I look in and see Bakugou sitting on his bed. He has his head resting on his hand and the other hand is holding something. It looks like a photo. His facial expression seems... different. He looks calm, and maybe a little confused. What is the picture of?
I then see him throw the picture down. He has a frown on his face. He gets it to a good spot where I can see it. I look at it and my eyes widen.
It's a picture of me and him.
I'm surprised. I didn't expect this. I didn't think that he even kept the pictures of me and him. Without thinking, I open his door and walk in. He looks at me, surprised. The photo is right in the direction of where I can see it.
"What are you doing, shit head!?" He yells. Why did I do this? I had no reason to come in here. This was a big mistake. I have to think of something before he kills me.
"Sorry dude, I should have knocked." I say. "I'm just bored and I wanted to know if I could, y'know, come hang out?"
I see him glance down at the photo on the floor quickly, then back up at me. "Why? Can't get to sleep or something, dumb ass?"
      "Yeah, I guess you could say that." I say. I shut the door behind me and sit on the edge of his bed. We sit there in silence for a little.
      "Don't even say a word about what happened this afternoon." He says.
      "Yeah, I was gonna say the same to you. It's no big deal."
      Silence again. It's getting weird and awkward. I shouldn't have even looked through the door. I'm so stupid. I start thinking of a conversation to break the silence.
      "So... why do you wanna be a hero?" I ask.
      He looks at me. "Who cares?"
      "I do." I say. "You enrolled in UA for a reason, didn't you?"
      "Of course I did." He says. "I want to prove that I'm the best and the strongest."
      "Heh, you are." I say, smiling. Then, I look away from him and my smile disappears.
      "What?" He says, a little worried tone in his voice.
      "Well... I just feel like I'm not meant to be here." I say.
      "What do you mean?" He says. "Why the hell are you saying that?"
      "I just don't feel strong enough. Or manly enough." I fidget around with my fingers.
      There's a short pause. "You are manly enough, idiot." He says. I look up at him.
      "Why do you think you're still here? It's because you're strong enough to be here." He looks away. I grin. Wow, I didn't know he could be so.. nice.
      "Tch, don't take it so emotionally!" He says. "I'm just saying what you wanna hear."
      "Thanks, Bakugou." I say. There's another short pause.
      "Is there.. anything on your mind?" I ask softly. His facial expression starts looking calmer, but a mix of mad and sad. He doesn't look at me.
      "Why does it matter?" He asks. I climb up to him and sit beside him.
      "Come on, I care about you, man." I say. "Whatever we talk about in here will stay in here. I won't share anything to anyone else."
      He fidgets around with the string to his sweatpants. "Whatever. But if you share even a little bit of this to anyone else you're dead."
      "I won't, I promise." I say. I didn't think he would actually talk to me like this.
      "I feel the same as you. Not strong enough or whatever." He says.
      "But why?" I ask.
      "Things that happened to me. It makes me feel weak." He says. "Like, when I got kidnapped by those retarded villains..."
      He pauses. I can tell that he's sad, but he covers the sadness up with a little frown.
      "It just messed me up or whatever." I feel sadder then I was now. I didn't know he was hiding so much depression. I slowly place my hand on his shoulder, and he doesn't brush it off.
      "Yeah.." I say. "I'm sorry. That must be rough on you. I felt like shit when it happened. I wish I could have stopped them before it happened."
      "No. I should have been the one stopping them. I should have fought harder." He says. "The reason why they wanted to take me is because they see how I act..."
      I can see the sadness in his eyes. I don't think I've ever seen him like this.
      "They think I would be good as a villain." He says.
      "You're not close to acting like a villain." I say. "You're just strong and you work hard. You're always so determined. You're probably more strong and manly then I am."
      He looks at me. I smile gently. "Everything will be fine. Just stay the way you are and you'll be the best hero ever. I know it."
      "Yeah, whatever." He says gently.
      We sit beside each other in silence. It doesn't feel awkward, just sad. The fact that he told me all this tells me something. I'm his true friend and he trusts me.
      "Well, we should go to sleep, shitty hair." He says. I can still hear the sadness in his voice.
      "Alright." I say. Not saying another word, we just sit there, looking at each other. We stare at each other longer then we usually do. I grin softly.
      "Good night, dude." I say. I get up and walk out the door.

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