Summer Monday

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Wow. M'Lady is my Princess! I don't have to feel like my love for Ladybug will ruin everything with Marinette. How am I so lucky? How could I have been so blind?

"Earth to Adrien!"

"Huh?" He said as he finally noticed Plagg right up in his face trying to talk to him.

"Have you been listening? I'm running low on my Camembert supply!"

"We were only gone for a week Plagg, you said you were going to leave some here to 'age to perfection'. How are you running out already?"

"They were all perfect at the same time, so I had to eat them all," he said with distress.

Adrien looked at the little black Kwami and laughed, "I'll buy some on my way back from the park. No need to panic."

"How long will that be? I only have a few hours until I'm hungry again!"

Adrien checked the clock again, "we're leaving in 15 minutes, you can eat other things too, ya know."

"I can, but why would I?" Plagg countered.

"I'll grab you some cheese from the kitchen on our way out," he said starting to get distracted by the fact he was going to see Marinette and not be able to hold her like he would if he was Chat. I still can't believe she is Ladybug! This whole time she's been my I haven't said that in a while.

Adrien kept his promise and brought Plagg some snacks that he begrudgingly accepted. His bodyguard dropped him off at the park 5 minutes before they were all supposed to meet. Nino was already sitting at a bench and waved as he walked over.

"Bro! You ready for this?" Nino said raising his eyebrows conspiratorially. The logistical problem of dating both Ladybug and Marinette in front of Nino would be addressed eventually. He would have to come up with a way to not reveal her identity by staying professional.

"You have no idea how ready I am, I can't imagine waiting one more day," he answered. He checked his pocket for the fifth time since leaving home.

"I've got the perfect plan to get away whenever you give me the sign to leave."

"You're sure Alya will go with you?"

"For sure bro, she's been trying to get me to go with her for months," he said relaxing back on the bench.


"You'll find out soon enough, here they come."

Alya and Marinette walked up together carrying a blanket and a picnic basket. They stood and Nino greeted Alya with a kiss before they set up their picnic in the grass. Marinette's parents had provided the food for their meal and it was all delicious. There were casual conversations as they ate, but Marinette seemed to act a little distant from Adrien.

When most of the food was gone Adrien turned to Marinette, addressing her straight for the first time, and asked, "how has your summer been so far?"

"It's been alright, spent some time designing and working on my portfolio. I have an interview this Friday for an internship!" She said excitedly.

"Why didn't you tell me! That's awesome!" Alya said excitedly!

"Cool!" Nino added.

"Amazing as always," Adrien said restraining himself from reaching out to hug her and holding his hand up for an awkward high five instead.

"I just got the call this morning. My interview is on Friday with Audrey Bourgeois' company. They probably need more workers since they opened their branch in Paris. I hope since it's a small part of the company they will use my designs!" Marinette explained.

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