Saturday Night

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Marinette walked through the bakery where her dad was gushing about how grown up and mature she looked. She stopped to tell him about how fun the party had been before heading upstairs to do the same with her mom. Sabine had her own version of the same feelings that Tom had and commented on how responsible and older she seemed. When she finally got up to her room to change out of her dress she was feeling a little sad.

Tikki flew out and saw her sad look, "what's wrong Marinette?"

"Things really are changing, I thought I was excited, but I'm also feeling sad."

Tikki didn't always understand the emotions that Marinette felt, but always knew when to give her a hug. She flew up and hugged her cheek and was satisfied when the smile returned to her charge's face.

"You always cheer me up, Tikki. Meeting you has been the best change in my life. I love you."

"I love you too, Marinette."

It was early afternoon and all she could think about was Chat Noir and wishing she could see him. I need a cat signal to put in the sky so he knew when to come to visit. I could go see him as Ladybug but what would be the reason for meeting up? I wouldn't even be able to kiss him because he's dating me not Ladybug.

She started doodling and found herself making a cute design with a black and green cat-themed hoodie. I bet he would just love this! I wish I could show him!

She had dinner with her parents like always and after doing the dishes she returned to her room. After all the times wishing she could talk to Chat and not being able to she was in a lonely, sour mood when she finally sat up on her balcony to wait. Not knowing when he's going to visit sucks, but I would wait all day for him...

She watched the rooftops and was getting impatient. As soon as she saw his black figure with blonde hair jumping a few houses away her heart started to pound. Her mood lightened and she smiled involuntarily as she stood up to greet him.

Chat Noir landed expertly on her railing and climbed down to start towards her. It always seemed like the first thing they did when they saw each other was gravitate together and embrace. Some magnetism kept them always pulling together no matter the distance between them.

"Marinette, before anything else, I have to tell you something," Chat said while they embraced. He felt the tensing in her shoulders and pulled back to look her in her worried, questioning eyes.

Thoughts were racing in her head, what could he need to tell me? Is he going to break up with me? Is he going to tell me who he is? Should we be revealing to each other? What if...

She was interrupted when he said, "I love you. I know we haven't been dating very long, but I can't help what I feel. I love you with everything I am."

"I love you too!" She exclaimed without giving him a second to worry about her answer and kissed him. Am I crazy for loving him even though I don't know his identity?

Their mouths separated after sharing the passionate kiss and smiled finally knowing the extent of the other's feelings. The comfort of being loved by Marinette created a blissful high for Chat and he bent to pick her up. He swung her around as she held onto his neck and felt like he was on top of the world. He would worry about what would happen when she found out he was Adrien another time. Right now he lived in the moment that she loved him.

"I'm glad I was able to see you tonight," he said finally sitting them down in the chair with her in his lap.

"We see each other every night, why wouldn't you have come tonight?" She said getting comfortable laying her head on his shoulder.

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